================================Author Info=================================== Title : RUNAROND.MAP (* A.K.A. RUNAROUND THE PLACE AND SHOOT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES MAP *) Author : Glen Burgess - MPP, Greater Lobo Township Email Address : gburgess@micis.on.ca Description : A round sorta thing that I made up while I was whittling away that hours in my office. My constituents saw fit to bless me with a Pentium 166 with 48MB with which to plan their bleak futures. Hah. They're all doomed to a life of farming, I like Duke. It's based on this map I played Doom DM on, but I could not for the life of me find the original (and like I really tried), so I made this one close as possible. It's really for 4 players, but eight fit in just fine. I spent a hell of a lot of time getting textures just right, so if there is a little somthing out of whack, oh well....sorry. Files included : RUNAROND.MAP RUNAROND.TXT Additional Credits to : Nobody but the guy who made the original level, but I don't know his name, so I guess then nobody. (No, not even Chookman). Other levels I've made : One other, but under another name, so I can't prove it, or really care to, and I might be lying. ============================================================================== ** Stuff Included ** 1 Dukematch level : That's it. ** Build Information ** Base : A good idea Build time : 18 tax-payer hours Editors used : BUILD.EXE Known Bugs : A couple os squish bugs,but I left them in, because the place you die is tricky anyways, so more risk...I liked it. ** Copyright / Permissions ** Do whatever the hell you want with it. I mean it. Play it first though....then rub it all over yourself. You have my permission. ** Misc ** There are some secrets in this level (not tagged secrets though) that you can look for, but I just wanted it to look cool. Be careful of the Dukematch weasles...they always find the secrets...if somebody beats you, he's probably cheating...it's true!