============================================================================= Title : Nuclear Ruins Filename : ruins.MAP Author : Jeff Corr Email Address : corr@mail.fullnet.net Misc. Author Info : Ex-DOOM-con Description : After Duke's short period of "RNR", the city of Chicago was attacked, with nuclear weapons, by a remaining alien ship. The aliens wiped out all human life in the city and must be stopped. (read ruins.txt for more info...) Additional Credits to : The gods at 3DRealms for bringing us that prevert Duke. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes DukeMatch : No Cooperative : Yes / 8 players New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No * Construction * Build Time : 24 Hours Base : New Level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Sometimes you can see sprites through the multilevel areas, but hey, this is new to us all! * Copyright / Permissions * Whatever. I'm not responsible for any damages. Gimme some credit if you change/edit it. Thats all I ask. Is that to much? * Where to find this level (if there are updates)* You can always get any of my levels, as well as this one, at http://www.harvestcomm.net/personal/corr/duke3d.htm