============================================================================= Title : Demolish for Duke 3d Filename : demolish.map Author : Kevin Schleicher (Crazy) Email Address : kls1046@cs.rit.edu Misc. Author Info : Attend college at Rochester Institute of Technology Am Currently on Co-op with Digital Equipment Corp. Previous author of various Doom wad's Description : This is the map I basically used to learn how to use Build. Therefore, it is not designed nearly as well as I would like it to be. However I think it still has potential and may also other people some examples on how to use Build. Additional Credits to : Thanx to 3dRealms for making such a great game! Hello to the people of the RAG (Rochester Area Games) ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Sure, but ther is no exit, but there are monsters. Cooperative 2-8 Player : Nope Deathmatch 2-8 Player : YES! New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No * Construction * Base : New Level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : I know there are probably some since it has not been heavily tested. If you find any feel free to fix them. * Copyright / Permissions * Just give me some credit for making the level.