================================================================ Title : Armagedon Filename : Armgdn.MAP Author : Lord Belial Email Address : aderen@eecs.uic.edu or : aderen1@icarus.uic.edu Misc. Author Info : I did some doom levels and I figured out why not do some duke maps. Description : This is the first real one I did and it is implemented for dukematch best played with 2 to 4 players, but there are 8 starts. It is a small map with a lot of ways to escape the enemy. Have fun with it, and let me know what you think about it, (even if you did not like it) so that the next one I'll do would be better. Additional Credits to : Special thanks to people at 3D Realms for making such a good game, and of course thanks to people at ID who started all that Doom stuff. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : e1l1 Single Player : No 2-4 Player : Yes 5-8 Player : Yes CoOp : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Build (what else could it be?) Known Bugs : None that I know of.