Duke Nukem 3D Map File ============================================================== Title : Sniper Filename : sniper.map Author : Yoda, Jedi Master E-Mail : hundley@warp6.cs.misu.nodak.edu Additional Credits : Brett Gmoser for his great tutorial 3D Realms for an outstanding total package =============================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : Why even ask Dukematch : Quite possibly the best ever Difficulty : Not Implemented * Construction * Base : New Level Editor Used : Hmmm, build perhaps? Time editing: Ooh... about 20 hours Known Bugs : None except the shading is a bit off when the lights are out *** This map has new graphics, and tiles014.art is included *** with the map. Make sure it's in your Duke3D directory. *** This will NOT mess your game up in the least. Tiles014.art *** is meant to be edited by users!! * Where to get this MAP file * You are reading this, so it's safe to assume you already have the file Misc. ----- My brother and I have tested this map extensively. It is specifically designed for dukematch and probably just 2 players. There are two ways to get into the pit in the NE corner besides the jetpack. See if you can figure them out (if you can, e-mail me and let me know how smart you are). I'd appreciate any feedback on this level.