MADHOUSE v 0.1 by David Nielsen ( LeChuck on irc, Slaughter in a multiplayer game. This map is based on my house and is just plain awesome :) ... It's not quite complete, just like Warhouse wasn't, but then again, Warhouse was a dumb level. I never completed it. Madhouse, however, rocks! I have a small list of revisions I'm already planning on... and will add onto the list as I need to. If you send me a message giving me a suggestion and I like it, that'll be added to the list. So far, the list goes as follows: Need to make the washer and dryer larger. Need to complete kitchen, living room, parent's bedroom, bathroom #1 and #2, my room, brother's room, closet #2 and yard. Need to put more stuff in other brother's room next to fam. room, get all my doors made, add weapons and DM starts. Need a good ansi screen (any ansi artists out there who have nothing better to do?) As you can see, there's a lot to work on at this point... but when it's done it'll be sweet! BTW, when I get done with all this, I'm going to make everything a little smaller. Right now it's all way too big... makes you feel like Duke the 7 year old. Special thanks go to Spock, Bulldog and Split_S for suggestions and thanks to _Tricky_ for help with level design. Stay tuned for MadHouse 2 based on my neighbors house and Carnage Castle, a level of my own creation...