================================================================ Title : Burn Asylum Filename : brnsylum.zip Author : Matt Lutjen Email Address : cranman@teleport.com Description : This arena of death takes place in a burn asylum. The surrounding towns depend on this facility for there power supply....The mixture of burning flesh and the water fall create deactric power, This power replaced hydro and nucular power about 100 years ago...This arena, once a funeral parlor holds some of the toughest fighters around. The objective is to kill as many foes as possible, and place their body parts in the back room for burning......Good Luck...... Once again in my maps the good weapons are some- what hidden, find them(should not be to hard in this level)and kick some ass.... P.S. I have come to a stopping point on this map, I might be adding more to this map in the future, maybe..... Additional Credits to : 3Drealms ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Map Single Player : NO Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES,YES,YES Difficulty Settings : NO New Sounds : NO New Music : NO New Graphics : NO * Construction * Time consumed : about 20 hours.... Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None that I saw, If you do find some please let me know so I can fix it..... * Copyright / Permissions * The holder of this map can distribute it to anyone, anything, or any everything, they may add weapons, monsters, or ammo. I do ask one thing, PLEASE DO NOT ALTER THE MAP ITSELF. __________________enjoy________________----------------_____ Any ideas or constructive critisism would be very much welcomed send me mail at the above address Thanks * Where to get this Map * we'll if it wasn't attached to this text file I guess you're S.O.L ENJOY SLAYING YOU'RE FRIENDS CrAnMAn--------------->