=========================================================================== Title : Dukematch Arena Filename : Arena.MAP Author Name : Cranium (Nick Vlku) Email Address : NickV@neteagle.com Description : This is basically a level I made in 3 hours just so I can say I released something until my big single player level comes out. Watch for it, it's a major subway system. Anyway this level is built for 8 player dukematch where people rush for weapons and start with them. Stay alive.. it's like Stadium on steroids. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Just run it with "duke3d -map arena.map" or for a dukematch just select it under USER LEVEL in setup. Single Player : Barely.. it's not worth it. Dukematch : Definetly, that's what this is made for. It's lots of fun modem play. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None right now.. report them to me.. Hours : About 3 hours.. this is just filler for my big single player level coming out soon. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP SITES : none yet.. HTTP SITES : http://members.aol.com/DukeWorld OTHER : None right now... [EoF]