0500. Re: Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0501. Re: New WAD - Deimos Subway ! (plus a LMP question) 0502. DEU for Dummies...A BEGINERS GUIDE TO DEU!!!! 0503. Re: WANTED: Registered DOOM 0504. Re: DOOM unfair? Also,USR troubles. 0505. Re: DOOM on a Serial Cable 0506. Re: Decent frontend? 0507. Re: finger help@idsoftware.com 0508. Re: 14.4k modem vs. 16 bit network card 0509. Re: One more thing DOOM needs... 0510. Re: Wad Survey 0511. Re: DOOM unfair? Also,USR troubles. 0512. Re: Doom the Movie? 0513. Re: ANNOUNCE:WACKERB6 FULL TEXTURE CREATION/MOD FOR DOOM 0514. Re: Space Hulk DOOM? 0515. Re: Top 100 List (Was: Doom is Dead) 0516. Re: PC DOOM PIXEL DOUBLING[3x, 4x, etc.] 0517. Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0518. Doom on the Amiga? 0519. Re: Oh have you heard? (id confirms this is bogus) 0520. One-on-one Deathmatch LMPS versus various IRC #doom nicks * 0521. Re: Doom on the Amiga? 0522. Re: Oh have you heard? 0523. Modem play ? 0524. 0525. Re: LET APPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! 0526. Re: Modem DOOM connectionsid 0527. Re: E3M9 (Warrens): how do *you* do it? 0528. Re: New WAD - Deimos Subway ! (plus a LMP question) 0529. Re: Suggestion for Doomaster or DCC et al: 0530. Re: Logon to infant2.sphs.indiana.edu 0531. Need Modem Help Big Time!!! 0532. Re: Oh have you heard? 0533. Re: Thanks to the maker of the DOOM stories! 0534. NetDoom and a router 0535. Re: You know you've been playing DOOM long when... 0536. Re: Renegade graphics DOOM ED 0537. Re: E3M9 (Warrens): how do *you* do it? 0538. Re: Simple IPX Ne2000 4 player Neywork? 0539. Re: DOOM under WinNT? 0540. UIUC Deathmatch at Oregon IV 0541. DoomCAD question: PLEASE HELP 0542. HELP AWE32 0543. Re: Starship Troopers the Movie 0544. Re: Doom player disadvantage on slower machines? 0545. Who makes the games ?!? 0546. Re: Is green player at a disadvantage in deathmatch? 0547. Shattering glass & mirrors! 0548. Re: Star Trek WAD? 0549. Re: apcidoom.zip 0550. Re: LMP Structure 0551. tcpsetup with 3com etherlink II? 0552. RE: Most Frags Ever 0553. Re: LET APPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! 0554. Re: 1.5 beta, complete?? 0555. Re: Oh have you heard? (id confirms this is bogus) 0556. Re: Best music with DOOM ! 0557. Re: wanted: (804) modem players 0558. Star Wars Mod? Why did they stop? 0559. Re: Mouse or not? ---an ANGRY response!--- 0560. .LMPs.. What mem for what 0561. Re: Weird "bug". 0562. Re: Mech Doom 0563. Re: Mech Doom 0564. Re: A Few Questions About Deathmatch "Ethics"... 0565. Re: Oh have you heard? 0566. Re: Chainsaw strategies?? 0567. Re: Unuasual frags 0568. Re: SGI DOOM released for Irix v5.2 0569. Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0570. Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0571. Re: Oh have you heard? 0572. Re: You know you've been playing DOOM long when... 0573. Is it possible... 0574. Re: E3M6 0575. Modem Tech question 0576. Re: GET GALAXIA.ZIP 0577. BEST MUSIC 0578. Re: SGI DOOM released for Irix v5.2 0579. Re: Some thoughts on the meaning of Doom 0580. Re: REJECT.EXE Whats the point? 0581. HELP! on NetDoom! 0582. Re: **Problem with 4-PLAY network** 0583. sb16 irq 10 0584. Re: Oh have you heard? 0585. Artists Needed!!! 0586. How do you... 0587. Re: LMPs revealed... 0588. Re: Chainsaw strategies?? 0589. Re: Doom with a PAS16! 0590. Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0591. Re: Star Trek Doom???? 0592. Re: Starship Troopers the Movie 0593. Re: Starship Troopers the Movie 0594. Re: A Few Questions About Deathmatch "Ethics"... 0595. Star Wars A long time ago, on a BBS far, far away 0596. Vancouver, B.C. CANADA modem doom players wanted... 0597. Re: A Few Questions About Deathmatch "Ethics"... 0598. Re: Help! 0599. Re: Linux Port?