0400 Try this... 0401 Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0402 Re: Oh have you heard? 0403 Re: Multiplayer Question - Changing Player Colors 0404 Re: HELP! I'm walking through walls and can't stop 0405 Re: sgi-doom ... won't run! 0406 Re: Does a 486DX run Doom faster than an SX? 0407 Re: Does a 486DX run Doom faster than an SX? 0408 Re: Chainsaw strategies?? 0409 Re: Mouse or not? ---an ANGRY response!--- 0410 Linux version?!?! 0411 Re: infant2 news. 0412 Re: Irix port release 0413 Re: sgi-doom ... won't run! 0414 Re: LET APPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! 0415 Re: Oh have you heard? (id confirms this is bogus) 0416 SUBWAY21 rules 'n' stuff 0417 Re: Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0418 AVG DOOM tourney in August (update) 0419 Re: Mouse or not? ---an ANGRY response!--- 0420 Test 0421 Re: Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0422 Re: Id swiped code from SER4! 0423 Re: Fuzzy mixing? 0424 HELP! I'm walking through walls and can't stop 0425 Re: DOOM under WinNT? 0426 Keen stuff for DOOM (more "how it could be better" crap) 0427 HAT'S OFF TO JAILBAIT.WAD 0428 Re: HELP!!! NEED INIT STRING FOR Best Data 0429 Re: Modem Tech question 0430 Re: How do you use dehacked 13 patches??? 0431 Re: Does a 486DX run Doom faster than an SX? 0432 Re: Dehacked bit list. 0433 Re: SGI DOOM released for Irix v5.2 0434 Re: Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0435 DOOM Network Problems 0436 Re: PS/2 mouse problems 0437 Renegade graphics DOOM ED 0438 Re: DeHacked Help : specs and bits 0439 Re: Oh have you heard? 0440 Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0441 Re: PC DOOM PIXEL DOUBLING[3x, 4x, etc.] 0442 Re: SGI DOOM released for Irix v5.2 0443 "Blazing" stuff 0444 Re: APCI multi play session doom 0445 Pray to God! 0446 LMP Structure 0447 Re: Time for DOOM to be Freeware? 0448 Re: MacDOOM 0449 Re: REJECT.EXE Whats the point? 0450 DEU 4 OS/2 ... When? 0451 DOOM II endboss 0452 Re: Decent frontend? 0453 Re: PC DOOM PIXEL DOUBLING[3x, 4x, etc.] 0454 Init string??? 0455 Re: DEU521 Help Linedef Lengths 0456 Re: DOOM UNDER CHICAGO, Don't worry! 0457 Re: Need Reg. Doom!!! 0458 Re: Why can I only play net from SETUP??? 0459 Re: DOOM under WinNT? 0460 Does SB16 do sound-panning? 0461 Re: Decent frontend? 0462 Re: DOOM-2=VIRUS 0463 Re: Renegade graphics DOOM ED 0464 Re: Is green player at a disadvantage in deathmatch? 0465 Re: Gamma Correction: How dark should Doom be? 0466 Re: HELP! I'm walking through walls and can't stop 0467 Re: doom II realease date! 0468 Re: LET APPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! 0469 Serial connection crashes computer 0470 Re: Doom player disadvantage on slower machines? 0471 What is the best sound card for doom?? 0472 Re: A Few Questions About Deathmatch "Ethics"... 0473 DEH manager (anyone?) 0474 Dehacked bit list. 0475 Re: LET APPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! 0476 The Battle of the Input Devices: LMPs Available! 0477 Re: Chainsaw strategies?? 0478 Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0479 Re: <*>*<>* WHERE IS DOOM 1.5 PATCH? INFANT? ANYWHERE?!!!! 0480 Re: A Few Questions About Deathmatch "Ethics"... 0481 Re: FY*fu][`{$cvg{z)\y{8,X}2)(]JGZ}}|}}w 0482 DOOM MultiPlayer, how to? 0483 Re: Multiplayer Question - Changing Player Colors 0484 Help! 0485 Re: HELP! I'm walking through walls and can't stop 0486 Re: Some thoughts on the meaning of Doom 0487 Re: Chainsaw strategies?? 0488 Doom w/ NeXT Q's 0489 Re: Doom is DEAD 0490 Re: Aliens Patch 0491 Re: Oh have you heard? 0492 Re: Registered/Shareware/Beta question? 0493 RE: Controller Wars 0494 Re: apcidoom.zip 0495 Re: PC Doom SUCKS compared to this... 0496 Re: Space Hulk DOOM? 0497 Re: Id swiped code from SER4! 0498 Re: Zhars File List 0499 Re: REJECT.EXE Whats the point?