Originator: thekid@orglobe.intel.com Destination: /pub/incoming/id (or /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew) Howdy, Well, due to great response from my first upload "THREPLAY.ZIP", here is a four-player NET-DOOM .LMP file in .ZIP format. It is named, you guessed it, "FOURPLAY.ZIP", and has been uploaded to ftp.uwp.edu in the /pub/incoming/id directory. How long it will be there, I don't know. This demo was recorded using UNEDITED 1.1 WAD's, so it is recommended that you play it back on an UNEDITED 1.1 WAD. I am sorry about this .LMP file for three reasons... 1) All action again takes place in Ep. 1 Lvl. 1. I know you guys can do this level in your sleep and, from what I've read on the net, a few of you have! We just haven't progressed enough as a team to be able to go much farther. Please bear with. 2) There is only one .LMP this time, as a couple of our players had to go home to their women. :( 3) This .LMP was made in cooperative mode. People have been screaming at us for a deathmatch-mode NET-DOOM demo, but we haven't been able to record a really good one yet. This will be in the works, I promise... I've found that the best way to watch these multi-player demos is to watch through player 1's view all the way through, then player 2's, etc. After seeing all four player-views and noting the good points, watch the demo again, switching to the best view when needed. BTW, [F12] will toggle you through our views, because this was a COOPERATIVE session. DEATHMATCH sessions do not allow for view- switching. Anyways, we hope you enjoy it. DOOM-On! The Kid