=================== EdMap v1.12 upgrade =================== edmap112.zip This file upgrades EdMap v1.10 to v1.12 by replacing EDMAPSYS.EXE with this newer version: EDMAPSYS EXE 281871 09-13-94 12:14p **** new to v1.12: If play-skill level 0 is chosen, a panel will prompt for a skill level for play-map. The /dir paramter now lists entry names correctly. Lost souls are now availible (oops! how'd we miss that??).. **** planned for v1.20: DOOM II and DOOM I support multiple-selecting objects more deletions (Vx,Ld,etc) EDMAPCFG handles/creates data files, no more MAKEWALL (other improvements) more error checking? ??direct XMS support: edit huge maps, etc?? ??multi-map save?? **** please report bugs/suggestions. -jeff (araya@wam.umd.edu)