___________________________________________________________________ Companion CD README for Stupid Web Tricks Copyright (c) 1998 by Jim Buyens Portions Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved ___________________________________________________________________ ============================= WHAT'S ON THIS CD? - Sample Files (TRICKS) - Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (IE401) SUPPORT INFORMATION - http://mspress.microsoft.com/support/support.htm - MSPINPUT@MICROSOFT.COM - http://www.microsoft.com/support/ Sample Files (TRICKS) =============================================== To install Sample Files: 1. Choose Run from the Start menu 2. Type D:\ (where D is your CD-ROM drive letter) 3. This will open a Windows Explorer window 4. Double click the SETUP.EXE file, which will launch the install for the practice files. 5. For more information, please view the default.htm in the TRICKS folder on the CD. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (IE401) ======================================= To install Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01: 1. Choose Run from the Start menu 2. Type D:\IE401 (where D is your CD-ROM drive letter) 3. This will open a Windows Explorer window 4. Double click the IE4SETUP.EXE file, which will launch the install program. Follow all the prompts to install Internet Explorer 4.01. SUPPORT INFORMATION =================== Microsoft Press support information ----------------------------------- Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the book and the contents of this companion CD. Microsoft Press provides corrections for books on the Web at: http://mspress.microsoft.com/support/support.htm If you have comments, questions, or ideas regarding the book or this companion CD, please send them to Microsoft Press via e-mail to: MSPINPUT@MICROSOFT.COM or via postal mail to: Microsoft Press Attn: Stupid Web Tricks Editor One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Please note that product support is not offered through the above addresses. Additional support ------------------ For additional support information, you can consult the online Microsoft Technical Support at: http://www.microsoft.com/support/ For a list of support phone numbers, consult the Microsoft Technical Support Phone Numbers list at: http://www.microsoft.com/supportnet/phonenumbers.htm