POD Cheats 1) No 'n' in Screenshots code: scrshots - Then hit Alt-F12 to take a screenshot. Files in raw format appear in your Pod directory C:\UBISOFT\Pod2_0. You can then read these raw format files using Adobe Photoshop with Raw settings 640x480, 4channels, Interlaced, 8bits, 0 byte header. paintshop Pro does not convert these files properly. 2) holigan (not houligan) Damages car! Great for figuring out how efficient the repair pits are at top speed. 1) VALAY = Damage Control In the option menu type VALAY, then change the difficulty level and damage level. 2) CRASH = Collision Control If you want to play without collisions, all you have to do is type CRASH during a race! Other Cheats: 1) Map: Shows the map. 2) LABEL: Displays the other cars' names 3) RETRO: Rear view mirror. 4) Map + F9: Enhanced map, shows cars as numbers 1 to 8. 5) Garag: Repairs the damage on your car 6) Mirror: Enables reverse button on track selection -- the next time you load the game, the red button is enabled and inverts the track for all three modes of the game. 7) Surprise: For a real suprise, type HOULIGAN and let chaos rip! Other Cheat: Get into the settings mode when setting up your car like your speed and brakes ect. and type ROCKET (works in single and hotseat) then exit the settings and get right back in and you will have 400 attributes instead of 300. Another cheat, Works only in single player mode :( Type DURAL (in the setting menu once again) and you'll have 200 speed 150 (200 maybe) accell and everything else 100 don't play with this or it won't work and don't go into test (saving only works on ROCKET) thats that.