THE 101st IN SINAI, OCTOBER 1973* * Egypt Advance* _____vs.* US. Army Delay* * Date: October 18, 1973* Location: Thamad, Sinai* * The Egyptian assault across the Suez Canal proceeded like clockwork. All Israeli counterattacks were successfully repulsed while the Egyptian bridgeheads were being consolidated. On October 14, 1973 the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd Armies launched a successful armored and mechanized offensive into the Sinai and succeeded in capturing the Mitla and Giddi passes. The Israelis were sent back reeling under the intense Egyptian pressure. Alas, their main armored and mechanized formations mauled and scattered, the Israelis had little to stop the Egyptian offensive. Facing defeat, the Israelis had no choice but to beg for American intervention. Seeing the sorry plight of their ally, the United States began a major air- and sea-lift to resupply the IDF. President Nixon also approved the immediate transfer of the American 101st Air Assault Division to the Sinai, soon to be followed by the 82nd Airborne and the 4th Armored Divisions. On the 18th of October, the Egyptian advance finally met the American forces in the Sinai as elements of the Egyptian 23d Mechanized Division met elements of the 101st trying to delay the Egyptian advance until the Israeli divisions can reform and attempt a counterattack.* * This hypothetical scenario was created by Samy El Semman ( Please email your comments.