SOUTHERN RUSSIA, NEAR BUCHACH, April6th 1944: The March Russian offensive to drive the Germans back to the Carpathian Mountains had been successful. Partially due to Hitlers "stand fast" order, many large German formations were encircled. Among them was the entire First Panzer Army of General Hube. Determined not to be part of another Stalingrad debacle, Hube and Manstein planned a daring breakout. Avoiding the favorable terrain to the south, Hube drove west across forested hills. The terrain was more difficult, but the Russians were caught by surprise. Elements of the elite 2nd SS Panzer Corps would drive eastward to aid in the breakout with a linkup expected in the vicinity of Buchach. AFTERMATH: The westward thrust caught Zhukov by surprise and he desperately threw anything in the way of Hube's Panzers. His last blocking force, a gaggle from the 1st Tank Army, was pushed aside by the 10th SS Frundsberg Division - now little more than a kampfgruppe. Hube, with his 200,000 men, was able to pull out and escape the trap this time. DESIGNER NOTES: The column of Opels represents lead elements of the 1st Panzer Army. As such, the value of the trucks has been increased to 30 pts. To claim victory, the German player must move 12 of the Opels to the west edge victory point areas.In a two player game, once the convoy has reached the west edge victory point areas, the trucks are to be considered exited and can no longer be targeted. Email at for comments.