This game is based around the japanese manga icon "DORAEMON". I suggest doing a web search to learn more about this character as it has a long and interesting history. Specifically read Yanson Ching's review of this game at You control the 5 main characters from the DORAEMON series: DORAEMON, NOBITA, SIZUKA, SUNEO & GYIAN. You can only control one character at a time but you can switch between them whenever you choose. The object is to recover and reassemble all 3 "spiritual stones" which represent earth, air, and water and defeat the evil dragon (can anyone tell me his name?). GAMEPLAY: ========= This game is basically a clone of Super Mario 64 based on DORAEMON. As you play you will notice many elements taken directly from SM64 and gameplay functions much the same. Press START to interrupt the demo / intro story. You will then be presented with the GAME STATUS screen where you can store up to 4 different games. Each display shows the character the game was last saved under, the number of pieces of each stone recovered (3 pieces to each stone), and the number of items to be recovered (out of 32 total). Just like Super Mario 64 you can delete a game (press the L button), copy a game (press the R button), or bring up the options screen (press the Z trigger). Move the highlight with the analog stick and press the A button to start a game. All actions will ask to be verified "OK" by pressing the A button again (or cancelled by pressing the B button). On the options screen you can move up or down through the four selections and left or right to toggle them. Option #1 - ??? Option #2 - ??? Option #3 - ??? Option #4 - Brightness EXIT Options. At any time during the game you can press START to go to the STATUS screen. At the top of this screen move left or right to switch between the character you want to control. The next item down will return you to the starting area of the game next to the SAVE TREE (use this to exit a level). The next item down will show you the book of items you have recovered. The next item down will take you to the options screen, and pressing start will return you to the game. All characters have the same basic actions while playing: Analog joystick - move the character in any direction "B" button - use the character's weapon "A" button - jump "C" buttons - control the view of the game "Z" trigger - crouch "R" button - "A" <-> "B" ??? All character weapons count as part of the 32 items and must be obtained before they can be used. When playing the game your health is represented by a row of shells in the upper left hand corner. Lose all your health and lose a life. The # of lives is next to the heart in the lower right hand corner. You can obtain a jingle bell by defeating enemies (use your weapon or jump on them). Collect 100 jingle bells and you can obtain an extra life (sound familiar?). WALKTHROUGH: ============ !!! Warning !!! This section gives away all secrets of the game. START: ------ You will start the game beside the SAVE TREE. Climb the save tree to obtain ITEM #1 - the anywhere door. Once you have this item you can return to the tree and jump on it's nose branch or stand directly below it to save your progress. This item also gives you access to AREA #1 - The Field. AREA #1 - The Field ------------------- This area is up the path to the right of the tree (all directions assume you are facing the tree in the starting area). Head across the bridge and open the treasure chest to obtain ITEM #2 - air gun (Doraemon's weapon). At the end of the dirt path is a cave with ITEM #3 - stopwatch. This stopwatch will temporarily freeze all enemies but can't be used anywhere else. There is another cave in the wall underneath the floating islands which contains a treasure chest with ITEM #4 - a pink flower sack ???. Head across the floating islands to the large floating island to face BOSS #1 - Tanuki. He is a large racoon who will attempt to jump on you and smack you with his arms. Simply shoot him in the stomach to defeat him and obtain PIECE #1 of the GREEN STONE. Return to this stage and you will find a elf sitting on one of the islands. Talk to him and he will give you a treasure chest which contains ITEM #5 - boxing gloves (Suneo's weapon). Continue on to fight Tanuki again. This time he will give you ITEM #6 - mini-Doraemon (an extra life). You can fight any boss a second time and they will give you an extra life. Area #2 - Field mice -------------------- Go to the path on the far left and talk to the red wyvern. You will ride in her pouch in this stage and can attack enemies by whipping them with her tail while spinning (hit the B button to do this). Go straight to the river with poisonous purple water. Go to the left to obtain ITEM #7 - temporary invin- cibility icon. While the music is playing you can not be harmed. Follow the small islands down the stream and to a high wall. Jump on the rock to make small platforms emerge in the wall. Jump all the way up to the mountain pass and proceed back to the boss mouse's nest where you will find a treasure chest which contains ITEM #8 - water to air converter. Proceed back to the start and head to the path that stops at a dead end. Get close to the wall and the boss mouse will speak to you from behind the wall. Jump or walk into the wall again and it will open. Go in and talk to the boss mouse and he will challenge you to race him to his nest. Even if you lose the race, he will still give you PIECE #2 of the GREEN STONE. Return to this stage and proceed back to the nest. The boss mouse will now be sitting in it. Talk to him 6 times and he will eventually give you a treasure chest which contains ITEM #9 - pistol (Nobita's weapon). Area #3 - Shallow water ----------------------- Since you have obtained the water to air converter, you can now enter the water stages. Go down to the beach and swim to the right into the tunnel flanked by pieces of coral. Start this area by swimming to your right and open the treasure chest which contains ITEM #10 - flashlight. Enter the tunnel and follow it to the other end. As soon as you emerge from the tunnel you will see another treasure chest which contains ITEM #11 - time blanket. Keep exploring the bottom surface and you will find another treasure chest which contains ITEM #12 - microphone (Gyian's weapon). Find both water elves and talk to them. One of them will raise the level of the water enabling you to walk up on a beach at the surface and obtain PIECE #1 of the BLUE STONE. Area #4 - Rock tunnel --------------------- Go to the left of the tree to the rock obstruction stuck in the wall and enter. This level starts out with a puzzle of moving walls. Jump on and depress both buttons on the lower level. Now go up to the upper level and depress all buttons except the one with the star on it. Return to the lower level and jump on the circle button again to get it to go up. You can now enter the rest of the level. Fall into the water and find a treasure chest that contains ITEM #13 - ring. Now climb the tree to find another treasure chest on a branch which contains ITEM #14 - grenade (Sizuka's weapon). Go on to the back of the level and either defeat the large bird or simply run around it to find PIECE #3 of the GREEN CRYSTAL. Area #5 - Buggy race -------------------- The time blanket enables you to repair the buggy and race it under water. Simply walk up to the buggy (it counts as ITEM #15) to begin the level. A torpedo will approach and challenge you to a race. Press A to accelerate and B to brake. If you beat him to the goal you will be awarded ITEM #16 - submarine creme. Return to this stage to race the torpedo a second time. The torpedo is faster but you can pick up ITEM #17 - speed boosters which are scattered about on the course. Beat him to the goal and you will be awarded PIECE #2 of the BLUE CRYSTAL. Return to the stage again to face an even faster torpedo. More speed boosters are present and necessary to win. If you finish in 42'50" or less you will obtain ITEM #18 - phone booth. Area #6 - Earth castle ---------------------- Follow the path behind the tree up to the red door. Kill the two guards to open the door. Note how the king in the box does not have any color, it will be restored once you have gathered all 3 pieces of a stone and defeated that area's boss. Proceed down to the left and talk to the two elfs and they will cause the lava to recede. Shoot the volcano creature about 30 times to open the next door. Kill the two guards to open the next door and procede back to the treasure chests. One of the chests contains ITEM #19 - earth radio? One of them contains a GREEN KEY. Take this back and open the GREEN DOOR. Keep going until you reach a large room to face the minotaur. To defeat him jump on top of his head to inflict damage. When defeated color will be returned to the GREEN KING and the GREEN STONE will be completed. Area #7 - Deep water -------------------- Since you have the submarine cream which enables you to survive at great depths you can now proceed to the deep water straight out from the beach. Go up the sand slope, jump on the deck of the ship and then proceed down into the hull. Defeat the three crabs and a door will open. One of the treasure chests contains ITEM #20 - beanstalk seed. Press the button by jumping on it to extend a catwalk on the opposite side of the level from the ship. Go back on deck, jump in the water, back up the sand slope and across the catwalk. Proceed up the slope to find a treasure chest which contains ITEM #21 - moccasins? Switch to Doraemon or Nobita and shoot down all three stalagtites that are hanging from the cieling. This will plug the holes in the floor and cause the water level to rise. You can now go in the cave behind the waterfall to press the button which will extend a ramp to the front deck of the ship. Go back in the water and alongside the bottom of the ship. A hole in the side of the hull has now been exposed and you can enter it. One of the chests located here contains ITEM #22 - laser? Now proceed up and across both catwalks to the front deck of the ship. Approach the pillar of flame to face the skeleton pirate. Follow him down onto the main deck to confront him. Shoot him in the stomach and avoid the flames when he flies and teleports. If you wait too long between shots he will fire his hook and smoke blasts at you. Once defeated he will give you PIECE #2 of the BLUE STONE. Area #8 - Floating islands -------------------------- Plant the beanstalk seed in the dirt mound located back by the red wyvern. You can now climb the beanstalk to access the sky levels. Proceed to the small floating islands and jump on the nearest one to begin. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the collapsing bridge. Stay on the first section until it stops descending. Turn around and enter the hidden cave to find a treasure chest which contains ITEM #23 - sponge??? Now jump back on the platform, go back up, and repeat with the last section to find a small hidden floating island which also has a treasure chest. This one contains ITEM #24 - yoke. Proceed back up and jump from platform to platform until you reach the first tree. There is a treasure chest on one of it's branches which contains ITEM #25 - bottle. Continue on until you reach the last floating island to battle the harpy. Jump onto one of the platforms and use the C buttons to follow the harpy's flight. Shoot when it attempts to dive or shoot wind gusts at you. If you wait too long the harpy will try and rake you with it's talons. When the harpy crashes and burns you will be rewarded with PIECE #1 of the RED STONE. Area #9 - Wyvern tree --------------------- Go to the top of the beanstalk and talk to the yellow wyvern. Now that you have the yoke you can fly it. Fly to the top of the tree by avoiding the bees, birds, and moths. The wyvern will shoot fire if you press the B button. Shoot down the large birds and avoid their fire. In the nest at the top of the tree you will find PIECE #2 of the RED STONE. Fly to the top the second time and you will find ITEM #26 - propeller. Area #10 - Rain clouds ---------------------- Climb the beanstalk again and proceed to the clouds to your right. You can now use the propeller to fly from one to the next by pushing the A button. Talk to the winged elf and he will give you a treasure chest that contains ITEM #27 - spray can. Continue flying from island to island, up through the dark rain cloud, and on to the crescent moon. There you will find PIECE #3 of the RED STONE. Return to the moon again and go to the top where you will find a treasure chest containing ITEM #28 - golf ball??? Now look back on the island you just came from. There should be another treasure chest there that contains ITEM #29 - colored cylinders. Area #11 - Air Castle --------------------- Shoot the two guards to open the gates of the castle. Proceed up the elevator and into the back room. Here you will find a treasure chest with ITEM #30 - camera. Go outside using the door and jump onto the top platform to find the RED KEY. Proceed back into the castle and across the floating platforms and oustide onto the castle wall. Jump off into the clouds on the far side and you will find another winged elf who will present a treasure chest to you containing ITEM #31 - computer. Go back into the castle and out onto the castle wall where you will find the RED DOOR. Enter, jump from platform to platform and into the big room at the top of the hallway. A centuar with a lance will come rushing in to attack. You can not harm the centuar so you must use his agressiveness to your advantage. Run alongside the walls and he will rush and attempt to hit you with his lance. When he misses and strikes the wall he will damage himself. Keep avoiding him until he becomes red and angered, and then use your weapon against him. When he is defeated color will be restored to the RED KING and the RED STONE will be completed. Area #12 - Water Castle ----------------------- You can enter the ice area under water if you have obtained the laser. Talk to the water elf and proceed up to the drawbridge. Shoot both guards and the drawbridge will be lowered. Enter the castle and go in the first door to the library (if you think this wasn't taken straight from Super Mario 64 wait until the books attack you). Jump on top of the book stacks and over the back wall to find the BLUE KEY. Now go into the other door across the shifting floor and moving platforms until you arrive at the BLUE DOOR. Enter and face an evil Santa Claus (be sure and check out the evil Rudolph on his sack!). Shoot him in the stomach and avoid the snow blasts and evil snowmen. When destroyed he will give you a present that contains ITEM #32 - blue crystal panel that also counts as PIECE #3 of the BLUE STONE. Color will now be restored to the BLUE KING and the BLUE STONE will be completed. Area #13 - Dragon ----------------- Once all three stones are complete, a shaft of red light will flicker next to the save tree. Simply walk into it to battle the final boss, a dragon who looks much like Bowser, in a large columned building. The dragon will attack by breathing and then throwing fire at you. He will then advance and if attacked will block your fire and teleport. He will then shoot ice 3 times and repeat his attack pattern. To damage the boss you must strike the amulet that hangs around his neck or directly below it at the gap in his cloak. You can jump on top of the bosses head when he charges without taking damage. After several hits, the boss will talk to you and change up his attack and begin throwing several more potent spells at you. Keep dodging and attacking and eventually you will defeat him. I recommend using Suneo and his boxing gloves since they inflict about 20x more damage than the other weapons. During the ending story the fairy will be transformed into normal size and becomes a playable character! She already has a projectile weapon that has a homing capability. I can't find any differences in the game or the ending when you play the game and defeat the boss with the fairy.