The Resurrection of DooM IIÖ

Welcome to the final part of DooM II. Herein lie maps 21--30, made under the Quake II engine, using the Lazarus .dll.

The config.cfg file binds the Lazarus Jetpack to the 'J' key. If you do not want to use this .cfg file, you can add the binding yourself. 

Do NOT attempt to play these levels without a 3D accelerator. If you play in software mode, don't bitch to me about the visual problems. 

MUSIC:  The original MIDI music has been included in the final episode. This was made possible by Lazarus' target_playback. Crank it up!

END GAME: In the final level (Icon of Sin) re-creating the spinning cube spitting from the boss' brain would not have been possible without Lazarus. Although this cube is purely decorative, it was critical in reproducing the feel of the original showdown level. 

LIGHT: The lighting parameters were rendered for a GeForce video card. If you own a Voodoo card, they will tend to render the Quake world brighter. If this is the case, go to the Quake menu screen and crank down the brightness levels.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: None. Guilty for bringing the best FPS to back to life.


Lazarus Game DLL: David Hyde & Tony "Mad Dog" Ferrara

GenSurf, Terrain creation utility: David Hyde

Forge Sky: Primordial Soup

Level Creation: QERadiant, ArghRad, MapSpy, PakExplorer

DooM II Map Reference: WadAuthor, WadEd

Graphics: Wally, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Graphics Workshop Pro

I've included the map files for those wishing to examine them. They can be downloaded from this same site. Be sure to read the file included for instructions concerning textures, models, etc.

Terry "Ricebug" DeLaney, May 2001

Doom II and Quake II are registered trademarks of ID Software.