The Resurrection of DooM IIÖ

This project was scrapped in 1999, as I anticipated the arrival of Quake III: Arena. I wanted to move on to the better game engine, to bring back the classic Doom II in honor. As with other Quake enthusiasts, I was sorely disappointed at the newer game's total lack of monster entities. Bots? Phewy!

So, I re-installed my old QERadiant and went back to the drawing board. This conversion originally made use of Omega Development's Quake2 Mappack. Towards the end, I converted it to use the Lazarus DLL mod, created by David Hyde and Tony "Mad Dog" Ferrara. Lazarus enables the use of fog and other cool effects, which did not work or did not exist with OD's Mappack. One feature used in a couple of maps is the target_monsterbattle. Some nice deathmatches were done up using this entity. Just stand back and don't get in the crossfire! 

A WORD ABOUT "KEEPING THE FAITH": Some of the original DooM II levels do not translate well to the Quake2 engine. R_speeds go out the window, distance clipping is always lurking around the corner, and you run the risk of mystical phrases such as sz_GetSpace: overflow, and NetChan_Transmit: dumped unreliable.

A perfect example is in the famous Circle of Destruction. The central core of this map sports a giant circular track suspended over a pool of slime. On the perimeters are various rooms, most of which are within the player's "radius." I had to delete many entities from this map because too many ents were within this radius at one time. The engine just can't cope with it. Thus, the level is a little disappointing. I didn't have any such problems with the other 10 maps.

A WORD ABOUT LIGHT: I had to really crank up the lighting parameters when making this mod. Unlike the Voodoo cards, which tend to render the Quake world brighter, OpenGL accelerators seem to go the opposite way. For those of you sporting a GeForce card, you shouldn't have any problems. For other card owners however, the levels may appear too bright. If this is the case, go to the Quake menu screen and crank down the brightness levels.

At least I shouldn't be getting any nag mail from Tim "Argh!" Wright for the levels being too dark. :)

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Although this conversion is faithful to the original DooM II, textures and maps have been altered slightly to get around certain ownership issues. Additionally, the maps cannot always be solved as in the original game, since the Quake grunt can do things (jumping, for instance) that the DooM marine could not. Keys are not in the same spots in some maps, and the goals have been slightly modified. I took liberty with the architecture as well, incorporating windows, lowering walls, adding trains, deep water pools, and so forth. I hope I've done enough to discourage any legal hassles; this mod deserves some credit and is dedicated to all DooM lovers around the world.


Music in the introduction level: original DooM e1m1 composition by Bobby Prince. Re-vamped, re-worked, and re-recorded by me.

Lazarus Game DLL: David Hyde & Tony "Mad Dog" Ferrara

Sky: Jason Abbott (

Beta-Tester: my 3-year-old grandson, Joshua.

Level Creation: QERadiant, ArghRad, MapSpy, PakExplorer

DooM II Map Reference: WadAuthor

Graphics: Wally 1.51b, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Paint Shop Pro 5.5, Graphics Workshop Pro

Sound Creation: Sound Forge 4.5; Recorded with a shitload of Roland equipment managed by an Amiga 4000 computer.

I've included the map files for those wishing to examine them. They can be downloaded from this same site. Be sure to read the file included for instructions concerning textures, models, etc.

Terry "Ricebug" DeLaney, October 2000

Doom II and Quake II are registered trademarks of ID Software.