Welcome to the Installation of Cubase Score 3.04 Demo for Windows! PLEASE INSTALL ACROBAT READER FIRST To install Acrobat Reader 2.1 on your hard drive, from the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu, then type [CD ROM Drive]:\ACROREAD.EXE Follow the instructions on your screen. INSTALLATION MANUAL You will find an Installation Manual in the directory called "Manual". Please take a look before installing the Cubase Score Demo. There are also excerpts from the complete Cubase Score Manual (Audiotut.pdf, Getstart.pdf, Scortut.pdf). SETUP MME At the end of a successful installation a utility called Setup MME will be launched. This allows you to change the name and order of your MIDI interfaces. Cancel this program if you wish - you can always make those changes later. Also see the file SETUPMME.WRI. READ ME After installation you will find a directory next to your new program, called READ_ME. This contains a number of Windows Write files, describing changes to the program since the manual was written, and giving answers to common questions etc. Please open these files and read them! WINDOWS 95 If you run Windows 95, installation is slightly different from that described in the manual, but the general procedure is the same. Please refer to the document CUBWIN95.WRI after installation for more info, and also read the section on "Optimizing Windows 95 for Cubase Audio". Demosong There is a directory called DEMOSONG on this CD-ROM. In this directory you'll find a file called "install.exe". Please run "install.exe" to install the DEMOSONG on to your hard disk before loading the Demo Songs (DEMO8T.ALL or DEMO2T.ALL) into Cubase. DEMOSONG requires about 40 MB free hard disk space. The song DEMO2T.ALL is created for computer setups with the ability to play back more than 4 simultaneous mono tracks, DEMO8T.ALL requires 8, please check the Performance Tester results. Thanks for choosing Cubase Score Demo! The Steinberg Team