============================================================================= README.TXT for SSEYO Koan X 20th February 1997 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Note - Koan X and the accompanying information are copyright materials of SSEYO Ltd. Be sure that you agree to the license terms that accompany this product, before using the software ! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Quick Start: ============================================================================= 1. Select "New" from the "File" menu to create a new piece. The main central area with the big "Koan X" picture is where you do your mixing. The vertical axis usually represents volume, and the horizontal axis represents the pan (otherwise known as stereo position). 2. Drag icons ('templates') into your new piece from the right hand side of the screen. Select "Groups" or press the big black buttons next to the template icons, to reveal more templates that you can use. 3. To start the music playing, either press the play button on the top panel, or press the space bar. 4. Select the icons with your mouse and drag them around: moving them up and down, left and right to create your own KoanMix 5. To stop the music playing, either press the stop button on the top panel, or press the space bar. There is *lots* more you can do. To find out more, either take have a quick look at the Koan X Coach, or why not browse the extensive on-line help ! ********************************************************************* * PLEASE tell your friends, and help spread the word about Koan X ! * ********************************************************************* ============================================================================= To Come: ============================================================================= Keep an eye on our web site (http://www.sseyo.com) for information on future releases of Koan X Silver / Koan X Gold / Koan X Platinum ... as well as packs of new Koan templates for your copy of Koan X. More information in the on-line Koan X help file ! ============================================================================= World Wide Web: ============================================================================= Don't forget you can use SSEYO Koan Web V1.0 or SSEYO Koan Plugin V1.0 for Netscape V2.0 to play back Koan pieces. Koan Web is also suitable for use as as helper applications for WWW browsers such as Navigator(TM), Internet Explorer or Mosaic(TM). Create your own pieces with SSEYO Koan Pro for use on the web. See our web page for more details (http://www.sseyo.com). We looking forward to your feedback on this exciting product, which you can send to : our CompuServe forum (GO SSEYO), our MSN forum (GO KOAN), or better still to the Internet newsgroups like: comp.music.midi, comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc, comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc, comp.music.misc, rec.music.ambient, alt.music.dance ... ============================================================================= Documentation: ============================================================================= If you purchased this product electronically, then please refer to the online help for all documentation ! ============================================================================= Support: ============================================================================= Koan X Silver is not supported by SSEYO - try the Internet newsgroup comp.music.midi if you have any questions, there is bound to be some friendly Koan X user who can help you ! Koan X Gold and Platinum users should refer to the on-line help for information on how to obtain support. ============================================================================= Creative Labs AWE32 / SB32 owners : ============================================================================= If you are an AWE32 / SB32 user, whether or not you use either Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, we strongly urge you either to change your system MIDI settings such that your default synth device (i.e. the MIDI mapper) points to the AWE32 (or SB32) synth - or failing that, choose this device for your Koan MIDI Output device (using the setup dialog). Otherwise, you will hear cheesy FM synth sounds, instead of the full-blooded AWE32/SB32 synth. Why do we mention this ? Well, for reasons best known to Creative Labs, when you first install your AWE32 / SB32 soundcard, the default MIDI output / synth setting is to use the FM synthesizer. We find this staggering, because many people may never find that their soundcard sounds infinitely superior if they use the AWE32 synth mode ! Don't say we didn't tell you ! :) ============================================================================= 16 bit/32 bit versions: ============================================================================= For now and the forseeable future, we are only shipping a 16 bit version of Koan X. This works just fine on all of Windows 3.1 / 3.11 / 95 / NT 4.0. ============================================================================= Cannot find MSACM.DLL ? ============================================================================= If when using Koan X on Windows NT (or some other version of Windows) when attempting to do a WAV to record a WAV file, you get an error like "Cannot find MSACM.DLL", then just do either one of the following to fix your problem : 1. Find msacm.dll on your system (e.g. under c:\winnt\system32), and copy it into the directory in which you have installed Koan X. 2. Modify your system path, such that msacm.dll is found by Koan X. ============================================================================= Problems recording WAV files in the right format ? ============================================================================= If you encounter the problem that you do not seem able to find an option to record to a WAV file using the right bandwidth, or if Stereo files do not seem to be an option, then you will need to review your system's "Codec" settings. "Codec" is a word that is short for "Compression - Decompression". It refers to a type of software which both compresses and decompresses digital audio streams; and is used by the Windows system software as part of the process of generating WAV files. Essentially, WAV files are encoded following a particular Codec compression algorithm; they are decoded using the decompression part of the Codec. To review the Audio Codecs available on a Windows 95 system, you will need to start Control Panel. Next, double-click the multimedia icon, click the Advanced tab on the Multimedia Properties dialog, and see what Audio Compression Codecs you have available. Audio codecs on a typical machine might include the following : Microsoft IMA ADPCM CODEC Microsoft ADPCM CODEC Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio CODEC Microsoft CCITT G.711 A-Law and u-Law CODEC Microsoft Network Audio CODEC Microsoft PCM Converter Note that they seem to be listed in priority order - the first one in our list here (Microsoft IMA ADPCM CODEC) might well be the one you want to appear at the top of the list, because it seems to provide a wide range of options. The precise options available to you, will be dependent on the configuration of your machine's soundcard drivers and hardware. *Please* check the available formats and attributes, there is probably one there that meets your needs. If the format you require is not there, then please consult your soundcard manufacturer - SSEYO do not write or supply any CODEC software ! Incidentally, on Windows 95, you can confirm the recording format options made available to you by Koan X, by using the following method : 1. Start the standard Windows sound recorder (Start | Program | Accessories | Multimedia | Sound Recorder) 2. Select Edit | Audio Properties from the menu. 3. Select the "Preferred Quality" you want, and press the Customize button. The dialog displayed next should be familiar to you, it is the same one called-up by Koan X ! You would expect to see exactly the same options as displayed to you by Koan X. These options are all those supplied with your system setup / soundcard pack, as discussed above. ============================================================================= REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER ============================================================================= Remember to check out our Website for new demos ! The Koan GiftBox page (http://www.sseyo.com/koangbox.html) includes a number of Koan files you can freely use on your own website to 'Koan enable' it. Why not give it a go? It is really easy to do - see the Adding Koan page (http://www.sseyo.com/addkoan.html). Better still, why not create your own Koan .SKP files using Koan X, and put those pieces on your web site, embedded in your web pages ? Easy to do, and gives a fantastic new dimension to your web site ! ***************************************************************************** SSEYO CONTACT DETAILS ***************************************************************************** SSEYO Ltd, Weir Bank, Monkey Island Lane, Bray, Berks, SL6 2ED UK Tel:+44 (0)1628 29828 Fax:+44 (0)1628 29829 WWW: http://www.sseyo.com Internet: koaninfo@sseyo.com MSN: GO KOAN CompuServe: GO SSEYO We hope you enjoy SSEYO Koan X ! SSEYO Ltd - the internet music company and creators of KoanMusic