MISSION OVERVIEW LOCATION: East of Hobb's Colony The "Silos" east of Hobb's Colony have been confirmed to be alien in origin. The exact purpose of the silos is unknown. Depth of the shafts' penetration is beyond range of our telemetry. The silos are protected by enemy gun emplacement towers, plus enemy ground and air units. Equip your team with timed high explosive charges, neutralize enemy guns and any other enemy assets in the area as necessary and drop charges into the silos. Charges are on short fuses. Use caution and remember your training. We have airdropped some supplies in the area, but we've encountered resistance from enemy flyers. Also, a scientific team will be dropped in the area to intercept enemy communications. Their mission is very important. Support them should they come under attack. They will be landing on the second mesa, a few minutes after you arrive. This should give you time to pacify the LZ.