3D Hand Clock v1.0 By default 3Dhclock is set to run on 640x480x256 SVGA graphics mode. We have made our screen savers as adjustable as possible. All of our screen savers come standard with password protection and selectable video modes. Password protection: Using password protection will prevent most people from accessing your computer as your screen saver is running. It is always possible to just reset the computer that the screen saver is running on to get into it so please note it is not impossible to get past a password. It will however keep most people from messing around with your system. Video Modes: Each computer has various video modes that its graphics can be run on. Our screen savers allow you the user to select one that you would like the screen saver to run on. In the list of avaliable video modes on your computer you may select one that you would like to have the screen saver run on. Simply click on one and hit apply. The higher the resolution of the video mode the slower the screen saver will run. Example: 320x240 will run faster then 800x600 in most cases. A usual good resolution for graphics is 640x480. The 8 bit, 15 bit, 16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit radio buttons allow you to select how many colors the video mode will have. 8 bit= 256 colors 15 bit=32768 colors 16 bit=65536 colors 24 bit=16,777,216 colors The higher the color depth that you choose the slower the screen saver will go but the better the screen saver will look. Try testing out your video modes and various color depths to find a sutable mode for your system. Note: Not all video modes are 100% compatable with your system. They may appear distorted, lock up your system or cause other effects on the screen saver. 3D Hand Clock options: Color- Choose color lets you select directly what color the clock is to be. The values of choose color must be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. If you go above 1.0 for a value unpredicted results will occur. Color schemes allow you to select a pre defined color for the hand clock. Color cycling will cause the colors of the clock to cycle. Very nice effect. If you do not select keep like colors. If you select keep like colors the clock as a whole will keep its colors in order instead of each little piece of the clock going off on its own color direction. Shapes- Cubes cause cubes to be at the hour positions on the clock. Sheres cause spheres to be at the hour positions on the clock. If you select Spheres and cubes the program will place spheres and cubes in alternating order. Rotation- By selecting Enable in the rotations group, the shapes at the hour positions will rotate. If it is unselected the shapes will not rotate. Text- AM/PM selected causes the clock to display if it is AM or PM in the center of the clock. Numbers causes the numbers 1-12 to be displayed on the clock at the hour positions. Star field- This is a nice effect that causes a scrolling star field to be displayed in the background. You may select what direction the stars will scroll (Horizontal or Vertical). You may also select how many stars will be in the star field and how fast the star field will move. Draw styles- Draw styles allow you to select if the clock is to be draw as wireframe or as a solid clock. Movement styles- Movement in any screen saver is needed. 3D Hand Clock allows you to select 1 of many different types of movment for the hand clock. Each type of movement will cause the hand clock to move, rotate, swing, or bounce a different way. Some suggested types of movement are: Bounce, XYZ rotate, 3D bounce, or Roll. If you would like the program to choose for you simply select Randome Movement.