Project Notes
Project: ChessServer Sample
Author: Greg Hamer
Company: Borland International
The server for the borland.samples.apps.chess.client.ChessViewer Sample
- Start the server with the command
java borland.samples.apps.chess.server.ChessServer [connections=max connections (default=50)]
The current directory should be jbuilder\samples\borland\samples\app\chess\server.
A batch file is provided. Run|Run works also.
- Unzip in the server\library subdirectory to stock the games library with some example games.
- Unfinished games are stored in the Suspended subdirectory
- The server periodically looks for a file named shutdown.txt in the working directory as a signal
to gracefully shutdown (Pressing ctrl+c in the java console window will shutdown as well, but could loose some data)