Installation and File Descriptions · The Archive
A good source of general information on Java is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list that can be found at the JavaSoft Web site at
All JClass products work with both JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.0.2. However, you must download the correct version for your environment.
JClass products made for JDK 1.0.2 are referred to as the "Transitional Bean" version of the product, and this is denoted by the capital letter "T" in the version name of the product (i.e. JClass BWT 2.0T) and of the name of the file containing the JClass product's .class files (i.e. jcbwt{xxx} The JDK 1.1 version of JClass products drop the capital letter "T" from the version name of the product and from the file containing the compiled .class files. If you are developing programs under JDK 1.0.2, ensure you are using the Transitional Bean version of the product, and if you are using JDK 1.1, ensure you are using the non-Transitional Bean version of the product.
Note: At the time of writing, no commercially-available browser can run JDK 1.1, so applets made with JClass BWT for JDK 1.1 will not run in current web browsers. Until commercial JDK 1.1 browsers are released, you can use the JDK 1.1 appletviewer or SunÆs HotJava browser (freely available at to display HTML pages containing JDK 1.1 applets.
java -versionIt will return the version number of the JDK on your system.
To determine the version of JClass BWT you are using on your system, type in the following code (version_test):
import java.awt.*; import jclass.bwt.*; class version_test { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println(JCComponent.version); } }When you compile and run the program, it prints the JClass BWT version.
JClass BWT must be used with JDK 1.0.2 or JDK 1.1.x. The JDK can be obtained from the JavaSoft Web site at
The JDK is currently available for these platforms:
The jclass/bwt/examples/ and jclass/bwt/demos/ directories contain sample Java programs that use JClass BWT components. Each directory contains the file index.html, which provides a convenient way of accessing the Java applets in the directory. The Java programs can also be run directly from the command prompt. They can also be accessed through the HTML documentation from jclass_bwt.html.
The jclass/bwt/lib/jcbwt{xxx} file ({xxx} is the JClass BWT version number) contains all of the JClass BWT Java .class files. Your CLASSPATH environment variable needs to point to this file. Full details on setting up your CLASSPATH can be found in the "Setting CLASSPATH" section in JClass BWT Overview.
jclass/readme-bwt.txt and readme-bwtT.txt are ASCII text files containing information about the files contained in this release. This file can be viewed through any text viewer (such as Notepad or WordPad) or a word processor.
If you plan to use the JClass BWT release files in a development environment, you can do not have to extract (unarchive) the classes ZIP file because Java can automatically read the contents of this file. If you are using the JClass BWT release files in a server-based environment, however, you must extract (unarchive) the classes ZIP file so that the server can access the individual class files.
For more information on setting up CLASSPATH for your computing environment, see the "Setting CLASSPATH" section in JClass BWT Overview.