Appendix E
JClass Chart HTML Property Listing

ChartArea HTML Properties · Data HTML Properties

Data.seriesX HTML Properties · Header and Footer HTML Properties

Legend HTML Properties · Xaxis and Yaxis HTML Properties

It is possible to use set JClass Chart properties within an HTML file that accesses a Java applet containing JClass Chart elements.

For example, to set the POINT_LABELS value of the AnnotationMethod property an HTML file, you would use the following line of HTML code:

     <PARAM NAME="xaxis.annotationMethod" VALUE="POINT_LABELS">
The following is a list of Java property names and their equivalent HTML NAME properties.

ChartArea HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
angleUnit int ChartArea.AngleUnit
axisBoundingBox boolean ChartArea.AxisBoundingBox
background Color ChartArea.Background
borderType (enum) ChartArea.BorderType
borderWidth int ChartArea.BorderWidth
depth int ChartArea.Depth
elevation int ChartArea.Elevation
fastAction boolean ChartArea.FastAction
font Font ChartArea.Font
foreground Color ChartArea.Foreground
height int ChartArea.Height
isShowing boolean ChartArea.IsShowing
left int ChartArea.Left
plotArea.background Color ChartArea.plotArea.background
plotArea.bottom int ChartArea.plotArea.bottom
plotArea.foreground Color ChartArea.plotArea.foreground
plotArea.left int ChartArea.plotArea.left
plotArea.right int ChartArea.plotArea.right int
rotation int ChartArea.Rotation
top int ChartArea.Top
width int ChartArea.Width

Data HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
chartType (enum) ChartDataView.ChartType
dataFile String No HTML property equivalent
isInverted boolean ChartDataView.IsInverted
isShowingInLegend boolean ChartDataView.IsShowingInLegend
pointLabels String[] ChartDataView.PointLabels
rotateTrigger (enum) No HTML property equivalent
translateTrigger (enum) No HTML property equivalent
zoomTrigger (enum) No HTML property equivalent

Data.seriesX HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
fill.color Color ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.FillStyle.Color
fill.image Image ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.FillStyle.Image
firstPoint int ChartDataViewSeries.FirstPoint
isIncluded boolean ChartDataViewSeries.IsIncluded
isShowing boolean ChartDataViewSeries.IsShowing
isShowingInLegend boolean ChartDataViewSeries.IsShowingInLegend
label String ChartDataViewSeries.Label
lastPoint int ChartDataViewSeries.LastPoint
line.color Color ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.LineStyle.Color
line.width Width ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.LineStyle.Width
symbol.color Color ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.SymbolStyle.Width
symbol.shape (enum) ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.SymbolStyle.Shape
symbol.size int ChartDataViewSeries.ChartStyle.SymbolStyle.Size

Header and Footer HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
background Color JCTitle.Background
borderType (enum) JCTitle.BorderType
borderWidth int JCTitle.BorderWidth
font Font JCTitle.Font
foreground Color JCTitle.Foreground
height int JCTitle.Height
isShowing boolean JCTitle.IsShowing
left int JCTitle.Left
text JCString JCTitle.Text
top int JCTitle.Top
width int JCTitle.Width

Legend HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
anchor (enum) JCLegend.Anchor
background Color JCLegend.Background
borderType (enum) JCLegend.BorderType
borderWidth int JCLegend.BorderWidth
font Font JCLegend.Font
foreground Color JCLegend.Foreground
height int JCLegend.Height
isShowing boolean JCLegend.IsShowing
left int JCLegend.Left
orientation (enum) JCLegend.Orientation
top int JCLegend.Top
width int JCLegend.Width

Xaxis and Yaxis HTML Properties

Java Property Name Type HTML Equivalent
annotationMethod (enum) JCAxis.AnnotationMethod
annotationRotation (enum) JCAxis.AnnotationRotation
isEditable boolean JCAxis.IsEditable
isLogarithmic boolean JCAxis.IsLogarithmic
isShowing boolean JCAxis.IsShowing
gridIsShowing boolean JCAxis.GridIsShowing
gridColor Color JCAxis.GridColor
gridSpacing double JCAxis.GridSpacing
min double JCAxis.Min
max double JCAxis.Max
numSpacing double JCAxis.NumSpacing
origin double JCAxis.Origin
originPlacement (enum) JCAxis.OriginPlacement
placement (enum) JCAxis.Placement
placementLocation double JCAxis.PlacementLocation
precision int JCAxis.Precision
tickSpacing double JCAxis.TickSpacing
timeBase Date JCAxis.TimeBase
timeFormat String JCAxis.TimeFormat
timeUnit (enum) JCAxis.TimeUnit
title.adjust (enum) JCAxis.Title.Adjust
title.placement (enum) JCAxis.Title.Placement
title.rotation (enum) JCAxis.Title.Rotation
title.text JCString JCAxis.Title.Text
valueLabels String[] JCAxis.ValueLabels