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Class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve


public class JCRetrieve
extends Object

Variable Index

 o _cache
This local cache is used to minimize the number of times the cgi-bin script is accessed.

Constructor Index

 o JCRetrieve(String, String)
The constructor.

Method Index

 o getData(Object)
Retrieves the value for "key".
 o parseReturnData(Vector)
parseReturnData() uses the array of text lines to fill up the cache.
 o setURL(String, String)
Changes the host, port number and cgi-bin script according to the data provided.


 o _cache
  protected JCCache _cache
This local cache is used to minimize the number of times the cgi-bin script is accessed.


 o JCRetrieve
  public JCRetrieve(String url,
                    String script)
The constructor. It must specify a URL to the cgi-bin script and the name of the script to be run.


 o setURL
  public boolean setURL(String url,
                        String script)
Changes the host, port number and cgi-bin script according to the data provided.

 o parseReturnData
  public abstract void parseReturnData(Vector input)
parseReturnData() uses the array of text lines to fill up the cache. The user is expected to override this to parse the data based on their cgi-bin script. Each element in the Vector input represents a (key, value) pair returned by the cgi-bin script.

 o getData
  public Object getData(Object key)
Retrieves the value for "key". It checks the local cache first, then goes out to the cgi-bin. It returns null if the data is not found.

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