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Class jclass.contrib.JCDialog


public class JCDialog
extends Frame
implements JCDialogCB
JCDialog implements an OK/CANCEL dialog. By default, JCDialog is made up of a drawArea and a buttonArea containing an okButton, an applyButton, and a cancelButton. These members are accessible by all.

JCDialogCB supports two callback methods. The first method is to subclass JCDialog and override the buttonCB() member function. The second methos is to implement the JCDialogCB interface and provide an implementation of the same buttonCB() member function, and then use the setButtonCB() member to register the receiver with the JCDialog class. In both cases, a return of false enables the default callback failure (usually unmapping or hiding).

Adding items to JCDialog is done through the drawArea member. It is an instance of JCOutlinePanel, and is derived from the AWT panel.

The following is an example of how to use JCDialog:

class QuitBox extends JCDialog {
public QuitBox(Frame fg) {
super(fg, "Quit Application?");
drawArea.setLayout(new JCRowColLayout(1, 1));
drawArea.add(new Label("Quit Application?"));
public boolean buttonCB(JCDialog d, Button b) {
if (b == okButton)
return handleEvent(new Event(this, Event.WINDOW_DESTROY, null));
In this example, the "override" technique is used. Note that the button labels are changed to "Yes" and "No".

JCDialog does not support modal dialogs.

Variable Index

 o applyButton
Apply button.
 o buttonArea
TButton panel.
 o cancelButton
Cancel button.
 o drawArea
Main draw area, which is the body of the dialog.
 o okButton
OK button.

Constructor Index

 o JCDialog(Component, String)
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK and Cancel buttons.
 o JCDialog(Component, String, boolean)
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK, Apply, and Cancel buttons.

Method Index

 o buttonCB(JCDialog, Button)
Default implementation of the button callback.
 o clear()
Default implementation of a member to clear the dialog.
 o getParentFrame()
Gets the parent frame.
 o handleEvent(Event)
Local event handler.
 o setButtonCB(JCDialogCB)
Registers a callback recipient for the dialog.
 o show()
The Overridden member.


 o okButton
  public Button okButton
OK button.

 o applyButton
  public Button applyButton
Apply button.

 o cancelButton
  public Button cancelButton
Cancel button.

 o drawArea
  public JCOutlinePanel drawArea
Main draw area, which is the body of the dialog.

 o buttonArea
  public JCOutlinePanel buttonArea
TButton panel. Add custom buttons here.


 o JCDialog
  public JCDialog(Component parent,
                  String title)
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK and Cancel buttons.

parent - the parent component, used to position the dialog; if not a Frame, the component's parent frame is found
title - the title of the dialog box
 o JCDialog
  public JCDialog(Component parent,
                  String title,
                  boolean apply)
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK, Apply, and Cancel buttons.

parent - the parent component, used to position the dialog; if not a Frame, the component's parent frame is found
title - the title of the dialog box
apply - if true, the Apply button is added


 o getParentFrame
  public Frame getParentFrame()
Gets the parent frame.

 o show
  public synchronized void show()
The Overridden member. It guarantees the peer has been allocated and attempts to position the dialog relative to the parent dialog.

show in class Window
 o setButtonCB
  public void setButtonCB(JCDialogCB target)
Registers a callback recipient for the dialog. There can only be one callback recipient per dialog. Recipient must implement the JCDialogCB interface.

target - the instance of an object implementing the JCDialogCB interface
 o clear
  public void clear()
Default implementation of a member to clear the dialog.

 o buttonCB
  public boolean buttonCB(JCDialog d,
                          Button b)
Default implementation of the button callback.

d - the dialog in which the callback occurred
b - the button that was pressed
 o handleEvent
  public boolean handleEvent(Event event)
Local event handler. It sends button events to the registered callback recipient. If none were registered, the buttonCB() member of the current object is called instead. Note that if the button callbacks return false, the default handling is performed.

handleEvent in class Component

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