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Class jclass.chart.URLDataSource


public class URLDataSource
extends InputStreamDataSource

Constructor Index

 o URLDataSource(String)
 o URLDataSource(String, String)
 o URLDataSource(String, String, String)
 o URLDataSource(URL, String)


 o URLDataSource
  public URLDataSource(String url) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
url - A String representing the location of the data file. eg.
Throws: MalformedURLException
If the specified URL is not in a valid format
Throws: IOException
If there is some problem reading the file
 o URLDataSource
  public URLDataSource(String host,
                       String file) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
host - The WWW hostname
file - the fully-qualified name of the file on the server
Throws: MalformedURLException
If the specified URL is not in a valid format
Throws: IOException
If there is some problem reading the file
 o URLDataSource
  public URLDataSource(String protocol,
                       String host,
                       String file) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
protocol - The protocol to use to access the file. Currently only http is supported.
host - The WWW hostname
file - the fully-qualified name of the file on the server
Throws: MalformedURLException
If the specified URL is not in a valid format
Throws: IOException
If there is some problem reading the file
 o URLDataSource
  public URLDataSource(URL base,
                       String file) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
base - A URL object representing the directory in which to find the file
file - the name of the file on the server
Throws: MalformedURLException
If the specified URL is not in a valid format
Throws: IOException
If there is some problem reading the file
See Also:

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