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Class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel


public class JCValueLabel
extends Object
implements JCSerializable
A JCValueLabel is an association between a floating-point axis value and a ChartText. JCValueLabels are used to implement the VALUE_LABELS annotation method, in which axis labels are determined by the axis values the user indicates should be labelled.


Name Method
Value The Value property controls the position of a label in data space along a particular axis. The default value is 0.0.
Text The Text property controls the text displayed inside the title. The default value is " " (empty string).

Constructor Index

 o JCValueLabel()
Default constructor required for beans
 o JCValueLabel(double, String)
Internal constructor that creates a value label given a value and a string.
 o JCValueLabel(double, String, boolean)
A smart constructor that creates a ChartText from a generic object.

Method Index

 o getChartText()
Retrieves the ChartText associated with this JCValueLabel
 o getText()
Gets the value of the Text property.
 o getValue()
Gets the value of the Value property.
 o setText(String)
Sets the value of the Text property.
 o setValue(double)
Sets the value of the Value property.
 o toString()


 o JCValueLabel
  public JCValueLabel()
Default constructor required for beans

 o JCValueLabel
  public JCValueLabel(double val,
                      String lbl,
                      boolean jcstring)
A smart constructor that creates a ChartText from a generic object.

val - floating-point axis value
lbl - string to use as the value label
jcstring - if true, the string is a JCString
See Also:
 o JCValueLabel
  public JCValueLabel(double val,
                      String lbl)
Internal constructor that creates a value label given a value and a string.

val - floating-point axis value
lbl - string to use as the value label


 o getChartText
  public ChartText getChartText()
Retrieves the ChartText associated with this JCValueLabel

ChartText instance
 o getValue
  public double getValue()
Gets the value of the Value property. The Value property controls the position of a label in data space along a particular axis.

data-space value.
 o setValue
  public void setValue(double nv)
Sets the value of the Value property. The Value property controls the position of a label in data space along a particular axis.

nv - data-space value
 o getText
  public String getText()
Gets the value of the Text property. The Text property controls the text displayed inside the title.

String representing the text inside the label. Could be an unparsed JCString.
 o setText
  public void setText(String t)
Sets the value of the Text property. The Text property controls the text displayed inside the title.

t - String representing the text inside the label. Could be an unparsed JCString.
 o toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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