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Class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex


public class JCDataIndex
extends Object
Object containing a unique index to a data point in Chart. Contains a data series instance and an index representing the point within the data series.

Constructor Index

 o JCDataIndex(ChartDataView, ChartDataViewSeries, int, int)
 o JCDataIndex(int, ChartDataViewSeries)

Method Index

 o equals(Object)
 o getDataView()
Gets the value of the DataView property for the JCDataIndex instance.
 o getDistance()
Gets the value of the Distance property for the JCDataIndex instance.
 o getObject()
Gets the value of the Obj property for the JCDataIndex instance.
 o getPoint()
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCDataIndex instance.
 o getSeries()
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCDataIndex instance.
 o getSeriesIndex()
Gets the value of the SeriesIndex property for the JCDataIndex instance.


 o JCDataIndex
  public JCDataIndex(int p,
                     ChartDataViewSeries s)
 o JCDataIndex
  public JCDataIndex(ChartDataView dv,
                     ChartDataViewSeries s,
                     int i,
                     int p)


 o getDataView
  public ChartDataView getDataView()
Gets the value of the DataView property for the JCDataIndex instance. The DataView property holds the data view selected by a pick operation.

ChartDataView instance
 o getSeries
  public ChartDataViewSeries getSeries()
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCDataIndex instance. The Series property holds the data series selected by a pick operation.

ChartDataViewSeries instance
 o getSeriesIndex
  public int getSeriesIndex()
Gets the value of the SeriesIndex property for the JCDataIndex instance. The SeriesIndex property holds the index of the data series selected by a pick operation or JCPieChartFormat.OTHER_SLICE if the other slice in a pie chart was picked.

the series index
 o getPoint
  public int getPoint()
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCDataIndex instance. The Point property holds the point selected by a pick operation.

Index of the selected point
 o getDistance
  public int getDistance()
Gets the value of the Distance property for the JCDataIndex instance. The Distance property holds the distance from the point selected by a pick operation.

Distance from the selected point
 o getObject
  public Object getObject()
Gets the value of the Obj property for the JCDataIndex instance. The Obj property holds the object selected by a pick operation.

Selected Object
 o equals
  public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object

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