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Class jclass.chart.BarPoint


public class BarPoint
extends Object
Data structure internal to JCChart. Used to represent the rectangle and polygon bounds for drawing and picking of bar and stacking bar charts.

Variable Index

 o front
Extents of the bar front (on the chart area)
 o side
Points that make up the side of a 3D bar (on the chart area)
 o top
Points that make up the top of a 3D bar (on the chart area)
 o x
X data value
 o y
Y data value

Constructor Index

 o BarPoint()


 o x
  public double x
X data value

 o y
  public double y
Y data value

 o front
  public Rectangle front
Extents of the bar front (on the chart area)

 o top
  public Point top[]
Points that make up the top of a 3D bar (on the chart area)

 o side
  public Point side[]
Points that make up the side of a 3D bar (on the chart area)


 o BarPoint
  public BarPoint()

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