Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH (Felix CAT GmbH) SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT Thank you for buying or testing the enclosed product from Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH. It is important that you read this Agreement before proceeding further with the installation of this product. By continuing with the installation of this product, you are accepting the terms and conditions of this Licensing Agreement. The Fine Print: Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use this copy of the program contained herein, and the accompanying documentation, subject to these terms and conditions. 1. License This license allows you to use the enclosed SOFTWARE on a single computer, with a single terminal. You must obtain a supplementary License from Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH before using the software with linked or networked systems, multiple CPU's, or emulation on a mainframe or minicomputer. 2. Restrictions You may not modify, adapt, translate, rent, lease, loan resell for profit, distribute, network, or create derivative works based upon the product enclosed herein or any part thereof. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. You may transfer the SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials on a permanent basis, provided that you retain no copies and that the recipient of the SOFTWARE also agrees to the terms and conditions of this Licensing Agreement. 3. Copyright The SOFTWARE contained herein is owned Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH or its suppliers and is protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States of America, and by international treaty provisions. You must treat the SOFTWARE as you would any copyrighted materials, except that you are given by this document permission to make one copy of the enclosed SOFTWARE for backup purposes, in machine-readable form, or you may copy this product to hard disk and retain the original media for backup. You must reproduce all copyright and proprietary notices that are on the original SOFTWARE. You may not copy the written materials that are included with this SOFTWARE without express written permission of Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH. 4. Limited Warranty and Disclaimer Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH warrants that the media on which this product is furnished will perform without significant errors upon the receipt and installation of this product. Except for this warranty, Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH makes, and you receive, no further warranty, express or implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantibity or fitness for any particular purpose. Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH does not warrant that the product contained herein will operate free of interruption or error. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties. Therefore, this exclusion may not apply to you if you are using this product within one of those states. You have specific legal rights under those warranty, and other rights which may vary from state to state. 5. Customer Remedies Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH's entire liability, and your exclusive remedy, shall be, at Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH's option, either a) return of the product for a full refund of the money paid by you for the product, or b) repair or replacement of the product or portion of the product contained herein that is not working with a proper working product. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS VOID IF THE PRODUCT CONTAINED HEREIN HAS BEEN DAMAGED DUE TO ANY ACCIDENT, ABUSE, OR MISAPPLICATION. Any replacement product shall be subject to the same conditions as the original product. 6. Government Use Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government or any of its agencies or contractors is subject to restriction as set forth in subdivision (c)(1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. 7. General This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Germany. This Agreement is the entire Agreement between Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH and the user, and supersedes any other written or verbal agreement, or communications or advertising, with respect to the contents of this SOFTWARE and the other material contained herein. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please call Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH, Germany, at (+49) 30 896903-0, or write to Felix Computer Aided Technologies GmbH, Nestorstr. 36 A, 10709 Berlin, Germany. Sign and mail the registration form today! Once you have registered, we have the ability to notify you of any coming changes or upgrades, and you are entitled to news and benefits available only to registered clients.