mail accounts, see accounts
mail addresses, see also contacts
mail and newsreading, switching between
mail attachments, see also attachments
mail folders, see also folders
mail icons
mail messages
mail servers, see also servers
mail troubleshooter
mailboxes, adding
mailing lists, see also groups
managing large newsgroups
managing message files
marking messages
matching criteria (mail messages)
matching criteria (newsgroup messages)
matching e-mail addresses
maximum line length
maximum message size
.mbx files
members of groups, adding
memo, printing
message attachments, see attachments
message files, managing
message folders, see also folders
message fonts, see also fonts
message format, HTML
message headers, displaying
message headers, downloading
message icons
message list
message priority
message properties, viewing
message replies, grouping
message reply format
message source, viewing
messages, see also mail messages
messages, see also newsgroup messages
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Outlook
migrating from other address books
migrating from other mail programs
modem connections, troubleshooting
motion disabilities
mouse accessibility
moving mail messages
moving the toolbar
multilanguage support
multiple accounts on one computer
multiple accounts for one user
multiple computers, viewing mail on
multiple newsgroups, posting to
multiple users of one account
multiple users of one computer