[12/03/98] NAD 0.90 PreBETA Thankyou for betatesting NAD. Your support makes a better player for YOU. for bug reporting and suggestions email: nad@nad.inept.org If a website made you download THIS file, and you were expecting MORE functionality try NAD 0.80... Its a RELEASE version, not a PREBETA(like nad0.90 is) http://nad.inept.org/download.html Looks like nad 0.90 is getting more useable now... Whats New [12/03/98]: . At the request of several people, I have made the Playlist editor resizable. Also, the playlist editor appears in the TASKBAR, so its accessable even if the main nad window is minimized/in the sys-tray. Whats New [11/03/98]: . Worked a LOT on the playlist editor. Its quite functional now. I added keyboard commands to the playlist editor, when the list is selected: Return - Will play the currently selected song Delete - Will Delete the currently selected song(s) . Added .M3U playlist Support. NAD now supports all WINAMP and WINPLAY playlist formats, With full relative path support. . Speeded up the 2:1 and 4:1 downsampling code a LOT. . Added 'Auto Stream Sync' to the Stream Reading Code. . Added 'Equalizer Active' Menu Option to turn On/Off the Graphic Equalizer Whats New [10/03/98]: . Changed the playlist editor. . Fixed the progress LED code a little. Whats New [07/03/98]: . Added a'flashing' Play Status indicator to the LCD Panel. . Worked on the LCD panel bit, updated the time (now shows hours, mins, secs). Removed the Static from the display.. There is MORE to go on the display, but I have to DRAW it :( Whats New [06/03/98]: . Register filetypes now works corrctly. (also the 'ack' is gone from the general prefs screen). When you click 'Register Filetypes' NAD will make .mp1 .mp2 .mp3 and .PLS files auto start NAD when you double click them. . the PAUSE button now works. Tell me if you have any problems using it (NAD freezing etc). PAUSE only works on 'realtime' playback systems (like the Windows Media system) you cannot pause the '.wav File' decoder for obvious reasons. . coded the 'Browse' button on the internet preferences page. Whats New [05/03/98]: . Did work on the preferences. Added some options to the 'General' tab, however these may not be active elsewhere in the code yet. . Added Always On Top - Works; . Altered NAD's main Graphics. I didn't alter the playlist editor, because I'm going to reprogram it, and it'll look different. Settled on a 'style' guide (well...).. everything is dark gray and mustard yellow. If you dont like this, do a NAD modification...hahahah . Redrew the buttons. I think these ones are pretty ok, so they'll probably stay. Whats New [01/03/98]: . Started work on a 'WinShade' Mode.. . Worked on the Playlist editor a little bit. . Speeded up the 'Spin' on the progress bar. . Altered Open Location so a blank URL is the same as CANCEL. . Added Shuffle and Repeat buttons. Whats New [28/02/98]: . Fixed the SUPER fast playback of mp1 and mp2 files.... Whats New [27/02/98]: . Graphic Equalizer is DONE!!!... Well it didn't take as long as I'd expected (about 20mins(including thought time)).. It seems to work VERY nicely... The ONLY note to mention is that you have to currently EDIT the .ini file to SWITCH it on... when NAD is NOT running... To ACTIVATE edit nad.ini and set 'EqEnabled=1'... then eq till you drop! . Removed the 'snap on' code. It was getting too annoying when every slight mofification to the code was screwing everything up. *HOWEVER* I am open suggestions as to how an 'alternative' system could work. If you have any, email me! . Added code to make the playlist editor remember its screen location IF its not snapped onto the main window. . Finished most of the buttons, there are still 3 to do, but I'm doing different code for them. . Did the buttons. *NOTE* the graphics are NOT final, I just needed something quick... Whats New [26/02/98]: . Improved seeking code. It shouldn't mess up anymore, giving you a song full of strange 'whooping' noises... . Added 'Drag and Seek' you may now drag the progress bar around again (like nad 0.80). . Messed about with the audio output system a bit. Hopefully it should solve a few of the problems some people have been having. Whats New [25/02/98]: (Second Update) . Adjusted progress circle so it only shows 'full' led's and not half or quarter lit ones. (well, hopefully). . Fixed a 'small' bug where when NAD said 'giving up looking for valid header', It actually didn't give up, and would annoy you again and again and again and ... . Made the main window accessable when the PREFERENCES are active. This allows you to change prefs and see the effects (also to skip past songs when you are altering prefs). . Added a 'smooth volume' adjust, NAD now smoothly moves the volume to the desired level. Also the volume control moves smoothly too. (just like the progress bar).. (as you can see I deal with the IMPORTANT things first...) . Added 8Bit output. At the request of a DEC ALPHA user. tested. Seems ok. It seems a lot less 'hissy' than winamps equivilent 8Bit output mode. Time will tell. (first Update) . Started work on the NEW button code. Added a OPEN FILE button! Of course, It took the place of the PLAY button, but its more useful huh? . Noticed that I'd forgotten to um... compile the URL streaming SAVE code. So you couldn't 'Play and Save' whoops... anyway, Its done now! . Fixed a 'small' bug in the open file dialog, where if the new path was SHORTER than the previous path, NAD would keep whatever was left over. . Fixed another little thing in the playlist editor, on some systems the playlist wasn't in the correct place... it is now... Whats New [24/02/98]: . Re-Redesigned the Audio Output Code, so it should be (even) faster . Added URL Download Saving code. You can now set NAD to SAVE while you STREAM. NAD takes the filename from the URL. All you do is set the SAVE directory. . Started work on the New Graphic Equalizer code. . Added code so that if there are NO audio output plugins available, NAD defaults to the 'Windows Media' system. . Implemented 'friendlier' anti-skip system, It now works within the NAD Audio Output Plugin model. . Added user selectable sound card for the built in windows media sytem . Volume Control implemented. To get to the volume, click the notch on the right hand side of the NAD main window. The left hand column of LED's are volume! Whats New [23/02/98]: . Sorted out the Cool Links page on the about screen. . Fixed a bug in the URL streaming code which meant a stream reaching the 'end' would cause NAD to lockup. Its fixed now. That'll teach me to let a MP3 get all the way to the end... . In my haste to update the sync code, I failed to take the frame seeking code into account, therefore, NAD was not seeking correctly(and causing crashes/lockups). I have now fixed this and NAD should now be working great. (serves me right for writing NAD inbetween getting ready to out to a nightclub...) Whats New [22/02/98]: . Completely redesiged the sync code. NAD should now play ALL files (I got a few more mp3's that didn't work. I found there were 2 types of 'illegal' data in the mp3's Firstly a program called Mamp writes a 128byte header to the beginning of a mp3, in this 'header there are lots of '0xFFF' headers (that look like mpeg sync headers). Secondly, Beatforge in their 'ultimate wizdom' put whole TEXT files at the beginning of MP3's.... (up to 6k of TEXT..) which again, is totally against the MP3 standard.... Anyway NAD now reads the files, and can reccommend what to do, if an mp3 is REALLY unsynced.... Whats New [20/02/98]: . Absolutely FULL MPEG 2.5 Support (not half support like vibe/winamp etc..) that makes NAD and WINPLAY the only players to fully support MPEG 2.5. (and since the programmers of WINPLAY INVENTED MPEG 2.5.....) . Slightly improved sync code, NAD should now play all those files that wouldn't play before(now that I ACTUALLY got my hands on one) it seems some mp3 encoder adds a load of crap at the beginning of the MP3... anyway its fixed... . URL Streaming Support.. It needs a lot more work, but you can stream.. Use open location... NAD supports HTTP HTTPS FTP GOPHER I think thats enough protocols! (that includes password protected sites etc)... Whats New [18/02/98]: (Second Update) . .PLS playlist support! (Full support including relative path support). . Update preferences window, to allow the selection and configuration of an 'output plugin'. . Speeded up .WAV file output. . Added channel selection See Preferences->Decoder->Output. This slider allows you to set which channel is decoded. Stereo - Both channels decoded Right/left - Only THAT channel is decoded, however output will come from BOTH speakers Mono - The Audio is 'mixed' into a single channel, if the output is stereo both channels will be audiable output will be to BOTH speakers. (First Update) . Added 'Multiple Output Systems', See Preferences->Decoder->OutputSystem This allows you to decode to (for example .wav file or internal output). Waveform Output - Allows you to output to a .WAV file Windows Media - This will route the decoded sound thru your soundcard (just like every other mp3 player etc) This system is dynamic, and supports 'output plugins' that'll be able to play to ANY device (eg Direct Sound, paralell port DAC etc etc) . Added intelligent skip protection.. make sure you set your decoder task priority to 'above normal' or 'Highest' (because netscape is a CPU hog) . Speed-ups here and there . I altered the windows media output a bit, it should be faster. . Started working on a few of the suggestions I've recieved in the past few days.... Whats New [17/02/98]: (second update) . Removed LED screen system. Kept the static, its more random now. . Speeded up the Windows Media Audio Output System. . Fixed a few 'bugs' in the Windows Media Output System. . Added nice time display font. (first Update) . Started on the volume/graphic Eq stuff . Started adding 'Buttons' (only Play at this release) . Added an Open File dialog . Totally redrawn the NAD graphics. theres nothing of Enlightenment Left, except for the 'shape' and the gadget 'positions'. This was because of some linux users emailing hate mail to me. They were just jelous, because E is that last stonghold they have.. Only kidding...(honest) . Other stuff that I can't remember... Whats New [15/02/98]: (second update today) . added a cool 'spin' to the seek control you'll see what I mean . sorted a couple of issues with seeking... . also fixed a 'flicker' issue in the main window. (first update today) . redesigned Playlist editor window looks nicer . improved SNAP-On window support . Improved MP3 time calculation . Worked onthe SEEK control a bit more, no more glitches or crashes. . Worked on the graphics a bit. they're a bit prettier. Whats New [13/02/98]: . Progress / Seek Code implented, needs work, but seems ok. . Reduced CPU usage(again)... . Added unfolding Code (try clicking the notch on the side of nad) Thats where the graphic Equalizer will reside.... . Various other bits and pieces.. Whats New [12/02/98]: . Playlist Listbox finished. . Drag and drop onto playlist ADDS files (without loosing the old playlist) . Multiple Instance Support . Minimize Location SLider . configurable Stream Synchornization ammount . start of WindowsMedia audio output options . LED screen update rate. . Snap on windows(the playlist editor and Graphic Equalizer Snap onto the bottom of the main NAD window) Known Issues: None now.... Thanks `Spin (on #mp3_4_free - EFNET)