Text-to-Web Converter: ---------------------- Text-to-Web Converter is a 32-bit utility to convert text documents to html format. It now incorporates integrated clipboard support which provides an almost seamless operation for web authors who want to include snippets of text (formatted or unformatted) into their web pages. Main Features: -------------- - Operate in either command-line or interactive mode. - HTML formatting handles line and column sensitive text (e.g. lists and tables). - Select font face and size. - Integrated clipboard support. - Generate free-standing web page or convert text snippets for insertion into an existing HTML document. Command-line Operation: ------------------------ Usage: Txt2Web Filename where Filename is the full-name of the text file to be converted. Output filename is automatically assigned as: Filename.html Interactive Mode: ----------------- To run in the interactive mode run "Txt2Web.exe" without any parameters.. Special Requirements: VB4 runtime libraries including COMDLG32.OCX --------------------- This is a VB4 application and as such requires VB4 runtime libraries. Most likely you have already got these. If you are sure you haven't, then you can download V-Scheduler, another VB4 application available at http://www.virdi.demon.co.uk/Scheduler/. This, as well as being an excellent application in itself, will also install the required VB4 files onto your system. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT THESE VB4 FILES. Distribution: ------------- The software is freely distributable via all media, providing no charge is made (except for reasonable mailing and/or handling charge) and all files in this package are included. If you are a software author, and you would like to include this application with your products, you must obtain written permission from the author. Permission will normally be granted if the the product is supplied free of charge (apart from reasonable handling charge). For products that are sold for profit, a fee will be charged before permission is granted. Licence: -------- This application is freeware and as such no payment is necessary or required. But should you feel compelled to show your gratitude, I shall not be so insulting as to reject your donation. Warranties: ----------- The program is supplied "as is" and without any warranties or guarantees. You use it at your own risk. Feedback: Comments and suggestions are always welcome. --------- Author: Dev Virdi E-mail: dev.virdi@writeme.com Homepage: http://www.virdi.demon.co.uk/txt2web/ Banner/Advertising: ------------------- If you would like to advertise your product by placing a banner, please write to the author for further details. History: -------- 1.2.0 Added Clipboard support. You can now read text input from the clipboard as well as a file. The html output can also be written to the clipboard as well as to a file. New output format to retain column-sensitive information. You can now select font face and size for html documents. You can now elect to generate a free-standing web page or just convert selected text for inclusion in to an existing document. Added Help file. 1.1.0 Added option to insert own title. Minor changes to improve performance. 1.0.7 Fixed bug where URL would not be recognised if it was preceded by a TAB character. 1.0.6 Better handling of e-mail addresses. Minor bug fixes and some cosmetic changes. 1.0.5 First public release.