cdrLabel v2.0 - 1/9/97 Copyright (c) 1997-8 Earle F. Philhower, III [search for "-new-" to find the changed sections of this document] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction -new- cdrLabel is a Windows 95/3.1 tool for creating labels for your CD-Recordable and CD-ROM disks. It is different from all other label utilities in that it can produce nicely formatted catalogs on these labels, allowing you to easily find what files a CD-ROM contains without even opening the case! With version 2.0, both AUDIO and DATA CD labels can be created. Check out ZipLabel if you have a Zip drive and like the kind of labels cdrLabel creates: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's New -new- Version 2.0: The following new features have been added: * Unlimited "booklet" catalogs! * Audio CD support (Win95 only) * New label formats * Spine now opposable, read your CDs from both sides * Crop marks to make it easier to cut * Customizable borders * Printer setup dialog, can choose non-default printer and get WYSIWYG * Can place label anywhere on printouts * Very small font sizes supported * Up to 7 columns now available * Toolbar updated with more commonly used functions The following bugs and annoyances have been addresses: * Strings now resize when font is changed * Canon BJC-620 driver oddity fixed (rotated text now prints properly) * "Save Before Exit" dialog fixed to appear at proper times * Creates number of copies specified in Print Dialog * File editor won't crash when operating on an empty label * Subdirectory window crashes on empty label fixed * Can read a completely blank disk * Cleaned up popup menus Version 1.8-1.9(internal): The following new features have been added: * Window Scaling * Protection From Accidentally Overwriting Labels * Directory-Only Scanning Mode * Background Colors for Body and Spines * Line Rulings Now Removable * File Editing Supports Multiple Selections * "Maxspect" Option For Image Scaling * Minor Interface Updates The following bugs have been addressed: * Row Height Updates After Every Font Update * More PCL Printers Function * And others I've forgotten about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer cdrLabel is shareware, (c) 1997-8 by Earle F. Philhower, III. I make no warranties as to it's correctness or functionality. Use it at your own risk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shareware cdrLabel is shareware, the best in "try before you buy." If cdrLabel is of use to you, a $15.00 registration fee is requested. It is easiest to use the "Print Order Form" from the Help menu to print out an order form, or print out and fill in the "ORDER.TXT" file. My mailing address is: Earle F. Philhower, III P.O. Box 6573 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 PLEASE ENCLOSE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS SO THAT I CAN INFORM YOU WHEN NEW VERSIONS ARE RELEASED. Please note that if you've already registered for one version, you're registered for all newer versions, too. Registered users will be informed when newer versions are available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- International (non-US) Registrations -new- For international registrations feel free to skip the shareware fee and just send a postcard to the P.O. Box above. Make sure to include your email so I can send any registation codes and inform you of new releases. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered User Bonus -new- As an added bonus, registered users will have the option of customizing their versions of cdrLabel. The labels produced will then contain the user's initials instead of "cdr." Just include in your registration note the initals you'd like to add, and I'll email you the codes necessary to make cdrLabel do it. If you've registered but I haven't sent you an email saying that I've added you to my mailing list, PLEASE contact me before assuming the worst. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements * Windows 95, NT, or 3.1(Win32s) * 800x600 display recommended * Printer (laser or inkjet recommended) * Colored Paper (optional) * Scissors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation There are two ways of installing cdrLabel: 1. Use the included Setup program, which will make program groups and allow you to use the Uninstall program, or 2. Just copy the executable file to any convenient directory. If there are any problems with the setup program, just perform option (2) and send me some email ( WINDOWS 3.1 ONLY: Under Windows 3.1 you NEED to have Win32s v1.30c installed, if you don't already have it check out the following URL to get it: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popup Menus cdrLabel brings up a window containing a menubar and a WYSIWYG label display. There are also popup menus available inside the label display by clicking your right mouse button in the window. If you right-click within the body of a label the body menu will appear, and if you right-click in the spine on a label the spine menu will pop up. These are basically the same menus you see in the menubar, but require less mouse-travel to use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard Shortcuts The following keyboard shortcuts should make creating labels easier: + Increase number of columns - Decrease number of columns Return Load disk into label z Zoom in/out of label Delete Delete image from label Arrows Move from front to back of labels Ctrl-P Print label -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Templates cdrLabel can now automatically store a small text file, a template, on disks which it scans. This template stores the following information: * General format, including font and colors * Paths to all images * Directories displayed/hidden This is enough information for cdrLabel to create a new label when files are added or removed. Best of all, these files are normally under 5Kb! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Templates First, select the "Use Templates" option in the "File" menu. This will make cdrLabel search for a hidden file, "CDRLABEL.CLT", on each disk it scans and read it's formatting in. Now, insert your disk and read it in. Set the font, directory tree, and the images you want and select "Write Template" from the "Body" menu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Images and Strings cdrLabel can import .BMP (Windows Bitmap) and .JPG (JPEG) files into your labels. Simply select "Insert Image" from the "Body" menu and you're on your way. Labels can either be underneath the label text, or above the text. Text will automatically flow around any images above it. cdrLabel can also create free-form text strings, via the String menu. Choose "Insert String," enter text in the dialog box, use the buttons in the dialog to choose a font and foreground and background color. If you want your text to appear above an image (as for captions, etc.) use the String menu and choose "Background Color->Transparent". To select an image in your label, left-click on it. Click-and-drag to move the label around. Right-click to bring up a menu of options to delete, center, or change the image's position relative to the text. "Above Label" makes the text flow around the image, while "On Label" and "Below Label" place an image without text wrapping. Use the little size-blocks to change an image's size, or use the Image popup-menu's scaling options. HINT: If you are having trouble dragging a tiny image, hold down the SHIFT key while you click the left button. This turns off the size-blocks and always drags an image. HINT: To setup a photo to be your label's background, perform the following steps. (Remember, with a dark image it's easiest to see white text, and with a light image it's easiest to see dark text): * Insert Image * Image->Scale->Size To Body * Image->Below Label Bitmaps of greater than 72dpi are supported automatically, so you can scan an image in at a higher resolution than the screen supports, yet still print out out at the higher resolution. This is especially useful for line art, where 72dpi conversion can cause excessive jaggies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple Label Formats -new- cdrLabel allows seven different types of labels to be produced: * Catalog starts on front of label, is continued on the back. * Catalog starts on back of label, is continued on the front. * Catalog is only present on the front of the label. * Catalog is only present on the back of the label. * Both front and back pages contain the same catalog information (especially useful for audio CDs) * Two booklet formats, one with a blank back cover. Simply choose from the File menu the format you most like and cdrLabel will do the rest. If you would like to produce a label with NO catalog present, you can do this by selecting "Body->Columns->Unlined." See the "Booklets" section for more info on how the booklets are created. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Booklets -new- With cdrLabel you can now create labels for you CDs with thousands of files quickly and easily. To begin, select "File->Label Format->Booklet." You will be presented with the usual WYSIWYG display, but if you look carefully you'll see that the front page had about 1/4" more whitespace on it's left edge. This is where your booklet will be fastened together. Create your label as usual, but note that you can only add pictures or text to the back and front CD covers, not the internal pages. When you go to print out your label you'll see that there is more than one page in the Print Dialog window. Make sure you have "All x pages" or a specific range checked in the Print dialog before you click OK. Your printer will now spit out a first page, which will contain the back CD slip and the front of your booklet, and a series of number pages. Separate the pages and arrange them in order. Attach them together using three staples spaced evenly along the left edge of the booklet. Viola, instant CD booklet! Poor quality ASCII drawing follows: +----===---+ |: blahbla | : <- staple | hblahbl | |: ahblahb | I've successfully fit 15 pages in a normal CD | lahblah | case with this method. |: blahbla | +---===----+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio CD Support -new- When run under Windows 95 (and possibly NT 4.0+) cdrLabel can catalog Audio CDs. Unfortunately, music CDs do NOT have their song names digitally encoded on the disk, so you'll still have to enter the track names by hand in the "Edit Files and Folders" dialog. The individual tracks will be read as "Trackxx.cda", and the comment will be the track's running length in mm:ss form. NOTE: For best results when catalogging Audio CDs, make sure cdrLabel's sorting mode is "Name" and "Ascending." HINT: When catalogging music CDs the "String" capability is very handy for adding CD title and band information. Use a BIG font for the front title! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printer Setup -new- There is a new Printer Setup dialog available from the File menu. This allows you to: * Select a Default Printer ZipLabel will then use that printer's font metrics to display the on-screen versions of labels, making the representation very accurate * Turn on and off crop marks Crop marks are 1 inch lines along the edge of the sheet indicating where cuts need to be made. Especially handy for use with paper cutters. Note most printers can only print up to within 1/4" of the paper's edge. * Select a Border Style If for some reason you don't like a thick solid border, you can specify any of four others, or even turn off the border completely. * Position the Printout You can specify the upper-lefthand corner of printouts, making it easy to use different paper sizes and perforated templates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Items -new- FILE Select CDROM Drive Brings up a dialog for you to select the drive letter to catalog. THIS DOES NOT READ IN A DISK! See "Read CDROM" below. Label Format Selects the manner in which to display CDROM catalogs. See "Multiple Label Formats" above. Directory Levels Determines how many levels of subdirectory cdrLabel will scan. Scan Directories Only When checked only the names of directories are scanned into cdrLabel. Use this option for disks where you have lots of directories that you want to see. Use Template Files When checked, cdrLabel automatically formats your label according to the template file stored on the CDROM. If the disk doesn't have a template file, no action is taken. See "Templates" for more information. Load/Save Label Store or retrieve a fully-formatted label from disk. Images, files, formatting, etc. are retrieved from the label file. Read/Write Template Store or retrieve formatting for the current label from the currently inserted CDROM. Clear All Labels Clears text from ALL LABELS, saves formatting Reset To Defaults Sets all fonts, colors, and settings to sane defaults. Use this item when you've REALLY messed things up! Print Presents a printer dialog then prints the labels being edited Exit Leaves cdrLabel BODY Display File Sizes Show or hide the file sizes for current label Display Extensions Show or hide extensions from the filenames present Display Comment Show or hide disk comment Columns Select either 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 0(unlined) columns of files When the "Lined" option is unchecked there will be no lines drawn between rows of files. Sorting Sort by Name, Extension, or File Size Set Fonts And Color Chooses the font and it's color for displaying files and directories and the disk comment. With the dialog presented you can add additional font and color rules for different file types (i.e. all JPG files green, etc.) Background Color You can set the background color of the label body to be printed with this option. Note that this is actually going to print the color on your printer, not just on screen, and may consume LOTS of ink. Read CDROM Reads the disk directory into the label. This can also be accomplished by double-clicking on the body of a label. If "Use Templates" is selected in the File menu, also reads template and applies formatting, images. Edit Files and Folders Brings up a dialog for editing the label entries. To modify a file, simply click on it in the list, and edit the information displayed. Hit RETURN or click on the Change button to update the entry. Move entries up and down in the list via the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. To remove the selected file from the list, click on "Delete." Additional lines can be created by clicking on "Add New" and entering the new file's information. Checking the "Subdirs" box will display the directory's contents on the label. To edit a subdirectory, click on the directory and then press the "Edit Subdirectory" button. Edit Label Comment Allows you to enter a new comment line. The comment line is the last line printed on the bottom of the label, normally containing disk free space, etc. Choose Subdirectories Brings up a dialog allowing you to select which directories you want expanded on the label. Clear Label Clears everything from this label, both images and text Zoom Zooms in or out of the label. When zoomed out you can still perform all operations, but can see both front and back labels. SPINE Edit Spine Text Change the text printed on the label spine Spine Font Spine Color Chooses the font and it's color for displaying files Alignment Specify how the spine label should be justified Background Color Sets the background color for the disk spine. Display "cdr 650" When checked, shows the "cdr 650" box in the spine. Color CDR Logo Colors the box containing "650" in red. STRING Modify Text Modify the selected string's text, font, color, etc. Font... Only change the font of the currently selected string. Foreground Color Only change the font color of the currently selected string. Background Color Change the background of the currently selected string to/from transparent and colored. Automatically Size When checked, size the string's bounding box to the minimum size. Orientation Rotate the string 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. HELP About cdrLabel Information about program and author Print Order Form Presents a dialog to be filled out with name, address, etc. Then prints out a filled-in order form that can be mailed off. Enter Registration Codes Allows registered users to enter codes to customize the "cdr." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the Printed Labels -new- Cut out the labels, it should be pretty obvious where to cut and where to fold. Insert into the CDROM jewel case, admire just how cool it looks, and then go make some more! See the "Booklets" section above for more info on cutting and folding CD booklets. Try using some colored heavy-bond copier paper. Packs of 5 colors can be bought at any office supply store, and make it very easy to classify your disks (i.e. RED=backups, GREEN=games, etc.)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks I would like to thank all of the cdrLabel/ZipLabel users, whose comments have made cdrLabel a reality. Also, the JPEG decoding routines are taken from JPEG-6a sources, and they'd like me to say: "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group." These guys make no warranty as to their JPEG decoder, and neither do I! Finally, thanks to all the registered users for their feedback and support. Keep the suggestions and bug reports coming in! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Reports If cdrLabel crashes on you, or doesn't print out correctly on your printer I'd like to hear about it. Please make sure to include the following information to speed things up: * Operating System * Printer Type, Language(PCL, GDI, PS), Connection(network, local, etc) * Series of operations to cause failure (if it's repeatable) Just saying "cdrLabel crashed on me!" is about as useful as saying "My car's broken" to a mechanic over the phone. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Directions * CDDB Online Audio CD-ROM Catalog Interface! * Free rotation of images and text? * In-place editing of strings, selecting of directories? * Importing file icons? * User suggestions, of course -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Earle F. Philhower, III