Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER@ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo KERNEL WritePrivateProfileString SYSTEM) vnsdp2.dllR! NovaStationa V2.10a NOVASTN.EXE Please select the type of installation desired. If you select 'Retail', you will be required to $ enter a serial number. NovaStation &Trial version2+ NovaStation &Retail version2, NovaStation Registrationa The serial number you have entered is incorrect. Please enter again.A LicenseE.txt Software License Agreementab Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreementa Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so, click on the Yes push button. If you select No, Setup will close.b- Program Files\NovaStn\ Program Files\NovaStn\ There is not enough space available on the disk. Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk: NOVASTN.EXE General Copying program files... NOVASTN.Za Player\*.*A Songs NOVASTN.Za Songs\*.*A NOVASTN.Za INI\NOVASTN.INIA SYSTEM DATA.Za System\*.*A NOVASTN.Za System\*.*A NOVASTN.Za Texts\*.*A DATA.Za Texts\*.*A DATA.Za DelDev\*.*A Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices% system\wnscp2.exeQ NovastnCheck210A NovaStationA NovaStation Copying program files...? Unable to create a directory. Please check write access to this directory.A General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again. Error Number: b Related File: $ Creating Folder and Icons....& NovaStation< NovaStation< NOVASTN.EXE NovaStation Playerb WINHELP.EXEa NovaStn.hlp$ NovaStation Helpb/ Sxgmidi.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b- MIDI Implementation Chartb. Readme_E.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b- Readmeb. LicenseE.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b- License Agreementb. UINSTALL.EXE: Uninstall NovaStationb- NOVASTN.INI DEFAULT SONGS$ \SONGS\DEFMIDI.PLM% NAME% COMPANY% SERIAL% mplayer\shell openA mplayer\shell\open\command mplayer\shell\b, \command \NOVASTN.EXE %1Q system.inia 386Enha devicea vswp.vxda vswp.vxd! system.inia midi=R system.inia driversa midiR! sxgb.drv! midib" system.inib" midib" system.inia driversb" sxgb.drv! midib" system.inia driversb" sxgb.drv! system.inia driversa midia sxgb.drv system.inia wave=R system.inia driversa waveR! sxgb.drv! waveb" system.inib" waveb" system.inia driversb" sxgb.drv! waveb" system.inia driversb" sxgb.drv! system.inia driversa wavea sxgb.drv system.inie \SONGS DEFMIDI.PLM{ l SMOKY.MID 02FARO.MID 03BRITE.MID 04CYBER.MID 05WAH.MID 06HAUNT.MID 07ELECTR.MID 08STICKS.MID 09WALTZ.MID 10CL30XG.MID( 11CL31XG.MID 12IND3~1.MID 13INT3~1.MID 14INT3~1.MID 15JZZ3~1.MID 16JZZ3~1.MID 17LND3~1.MID 18LT30XG.MID 19LT31XG.MID 20MD30XG.MID 21MD31XG.MID 22MD32XG.MID 23MSC3~1.MID 24NW30XG.MID 25NW31XG.MID 26SP30XG.MID 27SP31XG.MID 28TEC3~1.MID 29WST3~1.MID CHILLOUT.MID FAROLILO.MID FUNKHARD.MID FUSSION.MID JAZZ_D.MID LATIN_01.MID REMIX_01.MID SHELLSHK.MID 01COP.MID SPACECAT.MID YSI-004.MID BEATXG0.MID BONDXG.MID CAFEJUNG.MID CHILL.MID CL44XG.MID CL45XG.MID CL46XG.MID CL47XG.MID DANZ.MID DESIRE.MID DNCE1XG.MID FLARES.MID FUNCT_U.MID FUNKXG.MID FX2XG.MID GERONIMO.MID HANGIN.MID HOL32XG.MID HOOCH.MID IND34XG.MID INT41XG.MID INT42XG.MID ISTANBUL.MID ITSARAP.MID JALAPENO.MID JAMMY.MID JAZDROPS.MID JETSKI.MID JZZ35XG.MID JZZ37XG.MID KIDS.MID KMT-003.MID LATINXG.MID LICKS.MID LOST.MID LOVIN.MID LOWDOWN.MID MATRIX01.MID MD39XG.MID MIDNIGHT.MID MIDWEST.MID MSC37XG.MID MSC38XG.MID NORTHNX.MID NW35XG.MID OGW-064.MID OGW-098.MID ONTILMOR.MID OXYCUTE.MID PD1187XG.MID PD2023XG.MID PD2063XG.MID PD2203XG.MID PD2204XG.MID PD2212XG.MID PD2227XG.MID PD2242XG.MID PD2270XG.MID PD2289XG.MID PIEDRADU.MID POSSIBLE.MID RCK36XG.MID RCK37XG.MID ROCKTHIS.MID RY_SMILE.MID SITARXG.MID SLUNKY.MID SMOKIN.MID SOSXG.MID SRV2.MID TEC36XG.MID TOWOW.MID TRANZ.MID WEIRDXG.MID WHATO.MID WST35XG.MID XGISGOD.MID 1TOWOW.MID YSI-077.MID Setup Complete: Setup is completed.A You should restart your system to allow the drivers to be properly installed. Do you want to restart your system now ?A A Copyright violation has been detected. The NovaStation software is not being installed $ from its original media. This copy of $ the software may not be valid for future NovaStation upgrade policies. Please inform Innovative Trek $ Technology Pte Ltd at the following contact details $ about the place of purchase of the software: Innovative Trek Technology Pte Ltd Block 5004 TECHplace 2, #01-07 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, Singapore 569872. Phone: (65) 4820868 $ Fax: (65) 4820860 Web site: Email: Thank you for your interest in NovaStation. NovaStation( Memory allocation error encountered. Installation aborted.A Memory allocation error encountered. Installation aborted.A \NOVADEMO\ \XGDEMO\ \YG20\ \YXG50\ \MIXMAN\ 3MIX\ DRIVERS\ \MIXMAN\REDIST\ DIRECTX\ DRIVERS\ wnscp2.exeR! SYSTEM\wnscp2.exe| The trial version of this software has expired ! Please contact us at Web Site: http:\\ Email: for the latest release. Setup aborted.A Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\NOVASTN.EXE PathR uinstall.exeR We have found the existence of NovaStation files in your a8 system. These files have to be removed first before you $ can continue with this installation. Otherwise the drivers $ may not be properly installed. Would you like to $ uninstall your copy of NovaStation ? The files will be $ completely deleted after you restart your Windows. Installation of NovaStation is cancelled. Please uninstall a7 NovaStation first before you install NovaStation again.$ Note that you need to restart Windows in order to ensure $ that all the drivers files are completely removed. uinstall.exe WININIT.INI [rename]% Mmx32x00.dll$ NUL=b- Mmxswp00.dll$ NUL=b- Sxgb.drv$ NUL=b- Vswp.vxd$ NUL=b- Sxgwave2.tbl$ NUL=b- NovaStation$ Please restart the system to completely remove the old driver files.aF You will need to run this setup program again to install NovaStation. sgpctl.exeR sgpdrv00.dllR sgpmod00.dllR sgpswp00.dllR sgpwav00.tblR sgpdrv01.dllR sgpmod01.dllR sgpswp01.dllR sgpwav01.tblR sgmctl.exeR sgmdrvmw.dllR sgmmodmw.dllR sgmswpmw.dllR sgmwavmw.tblR We have found the existence of S-YG20 files in your system. a: NovaStation and S-YG20 cannot co-exist in the same system $ because of the driver conflicts. The S-YG20 files will $ have to be removed first. Would you like to remove the $ S-YG20 driver files ? These files will be completely $ deleted after you restart your Windows. Installation of NovaStation is cancelled. Please remove a9 your 'S-YG20' files first before you install NovaStation.$ Note that you need to restart Windows in order to $ ensure that all the drivers files are completely removed. WININIT.INI [rename]% sgpctl.exe$ NUL=b- sgpdrv00.dll$ NUL=b- sgpmod00.dll$ NUL=b- sgpswp00.dll$ NUL=b- sgpwav00.tbl$ NUL=b- sgpdrv01.dll$ NUL=b- sgpmod01.dll$ NUL=b- sgpswp01.dll$ NUL=b- sgpwav01.tbl$ NUL=b- sgmctl.exe$ NUL=b- sgmdrvmw.dll$ NUL=b- sgmmodmw.dll$ NUL=b- sgmswpmw.dll$ NUL=b- sgmwavmw.tbl$ NUL=b- Syg20ply.ini$ NUL=b- Sgpswp00.ini$ NUL=b- Sgpswp01.ini$ NUL=b- Sgmswpmw.ini$ NUL=b- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Syg20ply.exe PathR Start Menu\Programs\XG Soft Synthesizer S-YG20% v1.05 v1.05i v1.05E v1.05i-E v1.05t v1.05i-t Mmx32x00.dllR Mmxswp00.dllR sxgb.drvR vswp.VXDR Sxgwave2.tblR We have found the existence of 'S-YXG50' files in your system. a< These files have to be removed first before you can install $ NovaStation. Would you like to remove the S-YXG50 files ? $ The files will be completely deleted after you restart your Windows. Installation of NovaStation is cancelled. Please remove your a5 'S-YXG50' files first before you install NovaStation.$ Note that you need to restart Windows in order to ensure that $ all the drivers files are completely removed. DELDEV) deldev.exeR! DELDEV\deldev.exe -WUNIN WININIT.INI [rename]% Mmx32x00.dll$ NUL=b- Mmxswp00.dll$ NUL=b- Sxgb.drv$ NUL=b- Vswp.vxd$ NUL=b- Sxgwave2.tbl$ NUL=b- Syxg50pl.ini$ NUL=b- Sxgb.ini$ NUL=b- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Syxg50pl.exe PathR Start Menu\Programs\XG Soft Synthesizer S-YXG50% C v1.14E v2.00J v2.00E v2.00t-J v2.00t-E Please restart the system to completely remove the old driver files.aF You will need to run this setup program again to install NovaStation. \SONGS\$ arial$ NovaStation Software Synthesizera V2.10$ (S-YXG50) Setup SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A EXPLORER.EXE! SYSTEM) wnscp2.exeR! SYSTEM$ nscheck.exee SYSTEM wnscp2.exek SYSTEM nscheck.exe A134! SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA MySdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA edit( SETUPSTR862R- Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb. _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! 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