Arachne as offline HTML viewer

If you are using some DOS file manager (like Norton Commander, Volkov commander, Dos Navigator, etc) you would probably like to view local .HTM files the same way, as you view .GIF, .JPG, .TXT or .DOC files - just by clicking on the name of the file with mouse.

It is better to start Arachne in it's home directory and you MUST run file ARACHNE.BAT - not only CORE.EXE. You can use multiple configuration files, in different directories, for example on LAN. See the description of Arachne configuration and system files to understand Arachne configuration files - it's generaly possible to add Arachne directory to DOS PATH and run ARACHNE.BAT from any directory, but the file ARACHNE.CFG must be set up to contain full path names in some variables, and even with this, there can be problems with plug-ins, with runtime configuration files and temporary files everywhere on disk, etc. So it is much better to chanage the directory before running Arachne. You can also use some kind of PUSHDIR and POPDIR command (can be even batch file)

The following example is for Arachne installed in C:\ARACHNE\ directory:

Here is example of PUSHDIR.BAT, which can be used to store current DOS directory. In the example, we suppose directory C:\TOOLS exists and that is included in enviroment variable PATH. File C:\TOOLS\CD.0 must contain string "cd ", it means exactly three characters: c, d and space (0x20). No end of line (0x0D, 0x0A).

PUSHDIR.BAT creates command POPDIR.BAT, which can be used to restore current working directory.

@copy c:\tools\cd.0+c:\tools\cd.1 c:\tools\popdir.bat>NUL

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