Introduction to Internet

If you are (or want to be) new Internet user, and Arachne is your first encounter with technical terms describing Internet protocols and applications and their configuration, configuring Arachne will not be easy task for you. This page contains short explanations of the most frequently used words in Arachne documentation.


Internet is worldwide network of computers, based on TCP/IP protcol. It allows you to use many different services based on various Internet protocols. Internet is also known as "Information highway".

Most popular services are WWW and e-mail, based on protcols called HTTP, SMTP and POP3. Other well known services are FTP, Usenet (news - protocol NNTP), Telnet and IRC. If you don't understand what words like "service" or "protocol" mean, just picture all this stuff as alternative or enhancment to well known electronical communication services like televison, voice phone or fax.

There are also another experimental services, like Internet Phone, See-You-See-Me, PointCast network or Internet Radio, which are not generaly understood as Internet standart. Some of Internet protocols are rather historical, like Gopher or Finger. History of Internet is very interesting chapter, if you are interested in it, try to get some book about Internet.


Family of communication protocols used on Internet. Something like engine in a car: users don't have to know how it works, they have only to know which kind of fuel they need, and where to go, if something goes wrong.

Most important among TCP/IP protocols are TCP (transmission control protocol),IP (internet protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol). Pieces of data transported by TCP/IP are called packets.

Advanced operating systems (like Unix) implement TCP/IP as basic system service (on the same level as other I/O operations); in small systems like DOS, TCP/IP must be integrated to the application. This is why configuring Arachne is so confusing: you are configuring both TCP/IP and browser (and if you are using modem, than also a PPP dialer) in one program! You are provided with complete network solution, which together with operating system fits one floppy and can boot from it.

TCP/IP was designed for permanently connected computers; if you want to connect using phone line and modem, you will need to establish SLIP or PPP protocol between your Internet provider and your computer to transfer TCP/IP packets to your computer.


WWW means World Wide Web. It's system of online hypertext pages, located on many servers all around world. Pages are written in HTML language and linked to each other. Pages can also contain links to objects of differend typs, like soundtracks, moovies, live audio and video broadcasting, etc.

Arachne is WWW client - program which can request, download and view HTML page. WWW uses protocol called HTTP.

Only mass communication technology as easy to use as World Wide Web is probably television. Users of world Wide Web are expected only to be able to read and to know how to use mouse to select hypertext links, nothing more.


eMail, E-mail, or email are various shortcuts for "electronic mail". Electronic mail is simply exchange of text messages (which can contain attached encoded files) between Internet users. Arachne can currently send and recieve simle e-Mail messages, using protocols called SMTP (sending eMails) and POP3 (downloading e-Mail from mailbox). Every user of internet mail is assigned unique address, in format username@domain. Your username does not have to be identical to your login name. The domain is ussualy (but not always) a name of your provider's mail server.

Having personal e-Mail address is today probably as common, as having personal phone number.


Point to Point Protocol. Protocol which transfers TCP/IP packets through your modem and connects your computer to Internet. There are three ways to authenticate PPP connection: First option is to ask for manual login (like if you are calling BBS system) and then PPP protocol starts without further verification (in terminal window you will see bunch of characters like ~,#,!, etc.). Arachne can automaticaly login to such provider, if you configure it correctly. Second option is called Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and the third one is Challenge Authentication Protocol (CHAP). PPP dialers shipped with Arachne currently supports PAP, but CHAP is already supported by latest release of DOSPPPD.


Universal resource locator. You have probably seen announcments like "Visit internet hompege of Some Company at This is typical URL. It is identifier for resource accesible by WWW browser, most often a HTML page accessible using HTTP protocol. In Arachne, you must first connect to Internet. Once you are connected, just press F3 key, enter the URL you want to surf and press Enter.

The URL syntax is protocol://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port][/URI]

URI is shortcut for Uniform Resource Identifier, and it is in fact very often just a filename of document or program situated on WWW server.

DOS memory

When you are using MS-DOS, your computer work starts in "real mode" of your Intel processor: it means that even if you have Pentium, your computer generally behaves like PC XT when you boot DOS. It means, that only 1 MB of RAM can be used directly by your programs, and the largest executable program size can be up to 640 kB (but ussually less, as there must be also various device drivers present in a memory). More memory than 1 MB can be accesed only as storage space for data, called XMS or EMS memory.

But you are likely to have 386 or better processor, which can be switched to "protected mode" (also called "32bit" mode) and access all memory. From DOS, you can do this for example by using DPMI driver. You are probably asking, why Arachne is real mode application, running only in the first 640 kB of your PC's memory: it's because golden era of DOS was on real mode computers and most development tools, libraries and helper applications feel best in real or "V8086" (also called "Virtual") mode of processor. Developing for protected mode DOS is much more complicated task.

Arachne, as real mode application, is very small program, which fits only one floppy: compare this to protected mode applications, written in object-oriented languages, which are ten times bigger and you are downloading them from Internet for ages. Arachne was developed mainly for PCs with 80286, 80386 or 80486 compatible CPU, with only several MB of RAM, where real mode DOS applications perform much better than Windows applications. On Pentium P5/P6 (trademark of Intel), AMD K5/K6 or various 80586 and 80686 compatible machines with more than 8 MB of memory, real mode applications are not able to use the full potential of the system.

This list will be more complex in the future releases of Arachne