***POWERVIEW** For LightWave 3D Version 4.0 copyright NewTek, Inc. 1995 PowerView is a plug-in for Modeler Version 4.0 that allows selected layers to be viewed in a solid shaded view. For Amiga Owners: 1) Copy "PowerView.p" to your newtek/programs/plug-ins/Modeler directory. 2) Load the plug-in into Modeler. 3) Activate it through the tools/custom menu. For PC owners running Windows NT or 95 with the open GL libraries: 1) Copy "pviewgl.p" into your plug-ins\Modeler directory. 2) Load the plug-in into Modeler. 3) Activate it through the tools/custom menu. For Alpha owners running NT: 1) Copy "pviewaxp.p" into your plug-ins\Modeler directory. 2) Load the plug-in into Modeler. 3) Activate it through the tools/custom menu. Function Keys: AMIGA, ALPHA & INTEL Right Mouse Nutton - Toggles between smooth and faceted views. (On Amiga, between wireframe and faceted) s - Sets left mouse button for spinning on any axis. SpaceBar - Clears all mouse actions. INTEL & ALPHA v - Sets left mouse button for zooming in or out. r - Sets left mouse button to alter red saturation. g - Sets left mouse button to alter green saturation. b - Sets left mouse button to alter blue saturation. R - Sets left mouse button to alter red specularity value. G - Sets left mouse button to alter green specularity value. B - Sets left mouse button to alter blue specularity value. Tips: -As with any plug-in, you can assign "Powerview" to a function key for easier accessibility. -for best results under Windows NT or 95, set screen resolution to 16-bit for quicker Powerview redraw. rev. 12/20/95 BMT