HI, this is 11-Ox - my ?th attempt to make an effect with that you can build new fm-synths. but i'm not so happy with it ;-( . anyway it's an interesting machine, cause it uses the public dll memory to communicate with other Ox's. i added some small demos that could help to understand. the most important sliders (if using more Ox's) are ID and Source. Every Ox should have it's own ID! If you connect one Ox to another it will get a note signal of the destination, if it's source is equal to the destination's ID. The frequency is controlled via the Pitch. In Carrier-Mode the notes are shifted. As a Modulator the frequencys are multiples of the frequency of then source Ox. If you want FM you have to increase the FM-Amount and FM-Depth of the Carrier. HAVE FUN z.war ( if someone's goog in grafics, tell me - i'need good looking skins ;-) SLIDERS ------- Mixer: Osc Internal Oscillator Amount Thru Amount of input (Additive) Ring Amount of Osc * Thru (Ring Modulation) FM Ammount of the FM-Signal (modulated by the amplitude of the input) Amplitude Envelope: Attack Time Decay Time Sustain Level (so use Note-off) Release Time Oscillator: Waveform Sin,Tri,Saw,Pulse Sync Carrier or Modulator (how to calculate the frequency) Pitch Osc-Pitch (depending on Sync) Detune best use for Additive-Synths Glide Portamento FM: Depth Sets how hard the input-amp. modulates the Osc-Freq. Fine like Depth but finer ;-) Self Sets how hard the FM-signal modulates itself Self Fine like Self but finer ;-)) Operator: ID ID of every Ox Source describes which Ox is taken as source ATTRIBUTES ---------- Reserved (for Midi) Amount Inertia Ramp-Time for Mixer-changes (to avoid clicks) Attack Range Ramp-Time for Attack (decrease for very fast periods) Decay Range Ramp-Time for Decay Release Range Ramp-Time for Release Glide Speed Ramp-Time for Glide DEMOS ----- demo1 using Ox as a simple Sine-generator, playing a chord demo2 a simple 2-Operator FM-Synth demo3 a simple 2-Oscillator virtual-analog demo4 a mixture of 3op-FM with 2-Carriers (attempt for pad) KNOWN BUGS ---------- -If using more tracks sometimes clicks/noise is heared. You can avoid this by changing the envelope. HINTS ----- -If using more tracks, the modulators should have the same number of tracks.