A2M ╖ Audio to Midi Converter effect-plugin for Jeskola Buzz 1.2

What is A2M ?

The main function of A2M is to convert the incoming samples into midi data. It's possible to control every midi receiver, hardware and software, it only depends on the selected output device. A2M allows you to send messages for controllers , notes, pitch bend, aftertouch and program change. So it is possible to control every slider of every Buzz machine with A2M in realtime. In this case you need a virtual midi port like 'Midiyoke' or 'Hubis Loopback Device' to route the midi data back to Buzz.


A2M is an effect! Copy A2M.DLL into your ...gear\effects-folder and restart Buzz. May be you want to connect the output of A2M with another machine or master. This connection will fail. A2M does not have an audio output - this is wanted! This package does not include demo songs, cause they would not work without the right setup. Do it youself.


Device Sets the id of the output-device. You get this value in the menu View > Preferences > Midi Output. There you'll find a list with the available output-devices. Select to which device A2M should send the midi data and check it. Now count from zero to this item and you have the device id. Enter this value in the attributes windows of A2M and don't forget to click on the set-button.
Channel This attribute sets the channel-number on which A2M transmitts the midi data.


Gain This parameter is used to change the gain of the input signal before converted to midi. So it controls the range of sended midi values. The highest output value is 127, the lowest 0.
Offset Describes the minimal output value. May be you want to control a filter with A2M and the cutoff-frequency should never fall below a constant value.
Send The send-slider sets the working-mode of A2M. The first 3 modes are working together with the constant-slider, cause these modes send 2 data bytes. The second data byte is controlled by the constant-slider. The modes are:
Controller The constant-slider sets the controller-number. Incoming audio is converted to the controller value. Value are only send if they change.
Velocity The constant-slider sets the note-number (a C4 is 60). Incoming audio is converted to the velocity value. The note-messages are send every period.
Note On The constant-slider sets the note-velocity. Incoming audio is converted to the note value. The note-messages are send every period.
Pitch Bend In this mode A2M sends pitch bend values. Use it for making weird vibrato like effects. Most hardware-synths receive this event.
Aftertouch Some synths are able to handle this messages. It simulates the pressure on the keys.
Prog. Change This mode does what it's name says. Be careful with sending it to hardware-synths, cause on many synths the program change will take a while.
Constant This is the constant value for the send modes 1-3.
Speed The speed-slider controls the interval in which the input is sampled. It depends on the song-tempo. If you have a high song-tempo and a high speed (0:1 Ticks) A2M will take a lot of cpu-power cause the speed of the midi data stream is limited. You will recognize it if that happens ;-)

Additional Software

MIDI Yoke / MIDI Ox This package will help you to get into midi and comes with a virtual midi port. Get it at midiox.com.
Hubi's MIDI loopback device Another good virtual port: Hubi's MIDI loopback device 2.5

Copyright Info

A2M is donationware. Send me your tunes, cd's, money, postcards, books, ideas, comments & bugs or whatever you like... Have fun!
Holger Zwar, Lange Str. 83, 76199 Karlsruhe,
maekflai@aol.com, chat: #buzz, #buzzdev, #phatbuzz (german) on EFnet with mIRC.