******************************************************************* iVasion's NukePoET Version 1.0 September 1999 Copyright 1999 iVasion, a RouterWare company ******************************************************************* This README file contains the following sections: A. NUKEPOET DOCUMENTATION B. WHAT'S NEW IN THIS RELEASE C. KNOWN ISSUES ========================== A. NUKEPOET DOCUMENTATION ========================== NukePoET documentation consists of this ReadMe text file and a user guide. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the NukePoET Guide that is distributed in a Portable Document Format (.PDF) file. Acrobat Reader version 4.0 will provide the best viewing and printing results for this file. If you do not already have Acrobat Reader version 4.0 installed on your computer, you can download it for free from the Adobe Web site at http://www.adobe.com. ============================== B. WHAT'S NEW IN THIS RELEASE ============================== The NukePoET 1.0 release contains these changes from the beta release: o On Windows 95 or Windows 98, the iVasion PoET adapter can be optionally removed or retained. o NukePoET now works on Windows NT 4.0. o If the NukePoet_data.txt file is missing, an error message is added to the list box and log file. o Updated the text of some messages. o Added the following registry key. This key is set to Running when NukePoET starts and is set to Finished when NukePoET is finished. Key name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NukePoET. Value: Status. Setting: Running. Purpose: Enables an installation program to run NukePoET. Example: The following pseudo-code shows how this is done: Delete the Status value // in case it already exists. Launch NukePoET silently ('/s'). While (key does not exist). Wait one second // wait for NukePoET to start. While (key exists). Wait one second // wait for NukePoET to finish. Continue processing. o Added the /logfile command line parameter to enable the user to specify a path for the NukePoET.log file. o Added the /k command line parameter to enable the user to specify that NukePoET keeps (does not delete) the iVasion PoET adapter. o Added the /noreboot command line parameter to prevent NukePoET from restarting the user’s computer. The normal behavior of NukePoET is to restart the computer after it runs. ================ C. KNOWN ISSUES ================ The only known limitation of NukePoET is that it currently does not remove the iVasion PoET adapter from Windows NT 4.0. *****************************************************************