1001 Insufficient memory to run SETUP. Close some applications and try again. 1002 Drive %c: contains %ldK of free disk space. SETUP requires a minimum of %ldK. Please select another drive. 1003 SETUP has not successfully installed %s. You must run SETUP again before using %s. 1004 SETUP has successfully installed %s and added it to the PowerJam folder.\n\nBe sure to read the "Introduction to %s" that will display next. 1005 SETUP has successfully installed %s but could not add it to the PowerJam folder. 1006 "%s" is an invalid folder name. The first character is the drive, the second is a colon ( : ), and the third is a backslash ( \ ). For example, "C:\MyFolder" is a valid folder. Please try again. 1007 SETUP cannot create the "%s" folder. Enter another folder or try another drive. 1008 You already have a FILE named "%s". Enter another folder or try another drive. 1009 SETUP has not completed installing %s. Are you sure you want to cancel? 1010 Insufficient space on destination drive for %s%s. 1011 Insufficient memory to install %s%s. 1012 Cannot read %s%s. 1013 The existing %s%s is write protected. 1014 %s is in use. 1015 An access violation occurred on %s%s. 1016 A sharing violation occurred on %s%s. 1017 Cannot create %s%s. 1018 Cannot delete %s%s. 1019 Cannot rename %s%s. 1020 Cannot read existing %s%s. 1021 You must SETUP %s from its original diskette. 1023 SETUP is attempting to install %s into %s. However, %s already contains a NEWER version of %s. Do you wish to install the OLDER file anyway? 1024 %s does not run under Win32s. SETUP will terminate. 1025 %s does not run under Windows NT 3.x. SETUP will terminate. 1026 We have not yet tested %s under Windows NT. Would you like to continue with SETUP anyway (at your own risk)? 1100 Welcome to %s! SETUP will install %s in the following folder, which it will create if necessary. 1102 If you want to install %s in a different folder and/or drive, type the drive/folder name below: