The following are the prices for site licenses for Omega Media or ZR FileWorks Omega for all commercial or private multiple user institutions. Discounts are offered to companies, colleges, etc. which already have liscensed use of PKZIP. This product is not affiliated with PKWARE and registration of this does not constitute registration of PKZIP. This discount is solely a promotional discount. Users of any of the many decompression programs which this program can run should see information enclosed with that product in regards to its own registration. As an addtional promotional offer, all multiple registrations postmarked before June 30, 1996 will recieve free 32 bit upgrade versions when available at no additional cost. ( 1 - 5 users $21) Prices per user: Number of Users : 5 - 150 : 150 - 500 : 500 - 1000 : over 1000 : ======================================================================= : : : : : Without prior ZIP : : : : : registration : $12 : $10 : $6 : $4 : : : : : : With prior ZIP : : : : : licensed use : $10 : $8 : $4 : $2 : : : : : : ======================================================================= If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at or at CIS: 74437,477 Jared DuBois Scandere Software