You Try It

Please print this page and follow the step-by-step instructions in order to practice the essential skills from the Plug-Ins tutorial. Refer to the tutorial for specific instructions to aid you in completing this hands-on activity.

  1. Navigate to the Software page on this CD-ROM.
  2. Select a shareware anti-virus program appropriate for your computer platform (Windows or Mac). (Refer to the Risk Management tutorial for information on viruses and anti-virus software.)
  3. Click either "Windows Version" or "Mac Version" to download the program from the CD-ROM to your computer.
  4. Pay attention to where the downloaded file is going. (You may choose to place it in your "Download" folder.)
  5. Save your work and exit any other programs you may have open (such as word processing).
  6. Navigate to the downloaded file, and double-click on it.
  7. Follow the directions in the install program. Choose the options that are appropriate for you. (Usually you will choose the "Typical Installation" and the default options.)
  8. Re-start your computer.
  9. Use the anti-virus program to scan your computer's hard drive or any floppy disks you use regularly.