You Try It

Please print this page and follow the step-by-step instructions in order to practice the essential skills from the E-mail Basics tutorial. Refer to the tutorial for specific instructions to aid you in completing this hands-on activity.

Using your word processor, type your name followed by a paragraph that explains what you already know about the subject of your online course. Save the document as a "rich text format" file. (If you are uncertain how to do this, please visit the Word Processing tutorial.)

From within Netscape:

  1. Click the "File" pull-down menu, then select "New Mail Message."
  2. Click the "New Msg" icon on the e-mail toolbar.
  3. Click and hold the "Attach" icon on the composition toolbar. Choose "File."
  4. Browse to the text document you created earlier and select it.
  5. Click "Open."
  6. To make sure that you were successful in attaching the file, click the paper clip icon next to the "To" line.
  7. In the "To" line, type the e-mail address for the instructor of your online course. (Available on the front page of your online course.)
  8. In the "Subject" line, type the course ID for your online class (i.e., abc1234) followed by the word "Expectations."
  9. Type a message that tells your instructor you are submitting a document outlining your expectations for the course.
  10. Click the "Spelling" icon on the toolbar to spell check your e-mail. (Make spelling corrections as necessary.)
  11. Click "Send" on the toolbar.