DeuTex/DeuSF 3.1 December 94 a WAD composition tool for DOOM Copyright (c) Olivier Montanuy 1994 ( With manual by HevKev ( Features of DeuTex: - reverse engineer existing PWAD - compose your own wall textures, reusing DOOM patches or adding your own patches as bitmaps (.BMP) - add your own floors (still quite tricky. see manual) - add your own sprites (a bit tricky. see manual) - replace the ressources you want in all PWAD (missions, sounds, graphics,...) - simple WAD creation directives (text file) - simple directory structure (for the ressources) - work in batch mode (like a compiler). (see manual\deutex.txt for details) - compatible with the level editors (like DEU) Feature of DeuSF: recreate a complete sprite and flat PWAD from a partial sprite or flat PWAD and the main WAD of DOOM. Legalese: DeuTex/DeuSF are freeware and Copyright (c) O.Montanuy 1994. DeuSF can be freely distributed. DeuTex cannot be distributed for *any* commercial purpose, except by Compuserve. DeuTex/DeuSF Manual DTEXMAN A note on printing: This document has been set up so that you can just type: PRINT DTEXMAN.TXT at the DOS (or whatever) prompt. It contains no formatting, not even TABS. If you use a mono-spaced 10pt. font (Courier is perfect), the manual should come out formatted correctly (depending on how your paper sits in your printer). Make sure the 'skip perforations' option is OFF if you are using a dot-matrix printer, which is what I have tested printing with. Of course feel free to jazz it up with your favorite word processor if you like, but it isn't necessary. The document is set up so that every page number follows the previous one by 66 lines, so if page 1 shows up at the bottom corner of your printed page, all others should show up there as well. Please address all comments or complaints to me. Don't bother Olivier unnecessarily. I can be reached at: Kevin McGrail aka HevKev Compuserve ID 74107,1254 For you Internet folk, that's: I hope you get some use from the manual. It should convince you that DeuTex/DeuSF is not really as complicated as it looks at first glance. Make some great WADs with it; Bye HevKev