CompuServe WinCIM 2.6a

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CompuServe 2.6a integrates information from the CompuServe Information Service (CIS) and the Internet's World Wide Web (WWW). The Internet Explorer browser is installed and configured automatically with CompuServe 2.6a. When you are connected to CIS, you will see buttons and menu items you can select to take you to the WWW. And, as a CompuServe member, you have the benefit of Remote Password Authentication (RPA), which efficiently handles identification, authentication, and authorization on the Internet so that you can access Web sites of CompuServe Partners using only your CompuServe password.

A new Internet Browser command has been added to the Services menu and a corresponding button now appears on the default ribbon (toolbar). Choosing this option starts the Internet Explorer Browser. If Internet Explorer is running in the background, this option brings the browser to the foreground. Similarly, you can start up or return to CompuServe 2.6a from Internet Explorer by clicking the CSi button on the toolbar.

See you on-line soon!